
My friend didn’t seem to be too good today. She did sit up on the side of the bed and have a piece of the cake and coffee. I did laying on of the hands and she seemed to perk up.

The recipe called for shortening. I don’t know what would be more available during wartime but farmers would have butter.

Recipe for War Cake

Boil on stovetop for 3minutes- 2 cups water, 2 cups raisins
add 2/3 cup of shortening while mixture still warm.

Let mixture cool-

1 cup molasses
3 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder.
1 tsp baking soda dissolved in 1 tsp. hot water
3 tsp cinnamon
Mix thoroughly and put in greased tube or loaf pan in 350 degree preheated oven. Bake approximately 1 hour.

Hi Jo, I am sorry to hear this, it is hard to see a good friend so ill and declining, the energy you gave her would have bolstered her. Sending healing and light.🙏
Thank you so much for the the War Cake recipe, I am going to give this a go. I will let you know how I go.

Thanks Angie! 💕 My friend is so pumped full of pills that I didn’t know if giving her extra energy helped. I asked her if she could feel the energy that left my hands and touched her aura and she said no but she did perk up.

I hope you like the war cake. Please let me know how it goes. 😊

I thought I would use margarine for shortening - I hope that works.

I am sure your friend's spirit/soul is loving the energy you are giving. It is hard for the physical body at the pre-passing time when it is full of drugs.

When my parents were each in hospital for a short time before they passed I just sent them prayers and energy using Reiki symbols. They were firm Catholics and would not understood spiritual healing.

The margarine should work okay Angie.

I’ve never studied Reiki but could send the energy across distances.

Surprisedly, my ailing friend had some training in Reiki and I asked her if she could use it to help heal herself and she said it isn’t used that way.

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