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RE: SPUD-XI 3.1 Korean Independence Movement and Covid-19 Hibernation

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

Our currency is taking a slight hit, but I think the government needs to work harder to save the economy or they will be out of power in 6 weeks with the next election. Hopefully, things pick up for your country soon, but I'm not holding my breath.


the government needs to work harder to save the economy or they will be out of power in 6 weeks with the next election

Are you talking Korea or Canada? I haven't been paying attention.

Hopefully, things pick up for your country

It's going to take a while. Ramaphosa has a poisoned chalice. And continuing the cliches, he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. You can't fix a country (or systems) that's (have) been systematically pillaged and plundered over ten or more years in less than 2 when you've got very little support from what should, effectively be your power base. I will say this, though: he's done a lot to shore up the judiciary and the prosecution system. And results of enquiries - public - which were necessary - are beginning to be seen. With meaningful consequences.

Thus spake the glass half full girl.

 5 years ago 

Korea is having national assembly elections this year, it's every 4 years (president is every 5).

Korea has a demographic problem and a lot of other countries doing the export growth thing. There isn't much maneuvering room. But at least the democracy is mature and competent. Worst that can happen is a 4 year wait. In Korea, the average family has something like 150,000 USD in assets if you include their apartment which is quite a bit to lose.

I do feel South Africa has a chance sometime in the future. To clarify I meant a lot of people there are poor enough to have very little to lose. They did put in check when they tried to go a little too extreme which is a good thing. Most people just want security in the end of the day, not revenge or retribution.

Let's try to keep looking at the glass as half full.

Indeed. Especially with all the steem stuff going on.... :D

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