Nature Photography: Mother Nature

in Nature Photo3 years ago


There are only three time zones, according to the principles of nature. The past, present, and future are all intertwined. Emotion exists exclusively in the past and future. People are in what is known as "inspiration" entire presence when they are completely present in the moment.


There are a lot of people on this planet, but have you ever pondered why only a handful of them have gotten a lot of attention? Princess Di, for example, was completely adored by millions of people despite being an ordinary individual with no special talent other than marrying a well-placed husband. Is it for no reason?


This is known as the art of quiet in natural laws. When you're on stage or in front of a camera, your mind goes blank first, which is scary enough. Then your heart beats to a halt. That's incredible. You then hear yourself accomplishing
something, followed by clapping.


The performance was made up of millions of finite moments of time that could not be detected.

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