Betterlife Diary Game 3/6/2021 || today's activities || Contest season, week 5 hosted by Steem Passion by @riska-amanda

in Steem passion3 years ago


Alhaamdulillaah thanks to Allah because today we are still given the opportunity to take part in a contest that is held in the steem passion community which is guided by our beloved admin @ahmadcmk and also our moderator @shahab1998 and this is the 5th contest in week 5 I really enjoy happy with the existence of this contest because it can add insight can also improve the quality of our posts, we can share with each other and give good comments to friends' posts and also support each other, because I like to share.
Today I started the morning by brushing my teeth, taking a shower, dressed neatly and having breakfast, the plan today I want to go shopping for household needs/tools or home furnishings such as a rice cooker, fan, actually we already have a fan and an old rice cooker but the quality is no longer guaranteed and the rice spoils easily so we decided to buy a new one as well as the fan, the old fan has started to break down and is no longer suitable for use so we decided to buy a new fan.
At nine o'clock in the morning my husband and I had started getting ready and preparing the vehicle on the front porch, before leaving we also had breakfast first to fill our empty stomachs.
Because if we leave the stomach empty in the morning then our stomach and body are very easily attacked by disease so start breakfast in the morning with healthy food

family favorite egg martabak


breakfast with a plate of martabak must be very enjoyable, today I chose to make mertabak at home and decided not to eat breakfast outside, homemade martabak tastes very delicious, you know, I really like eating egg martabak mixed with pasta noodles, the cooking method is also very simple and easy in ten or fifteen minutes the martabak is ready the children are also very compact they really like the egg noodle martabak and this is our family's favorite menu.

furniture and electronics store


furniture and electronics shop, the shop assistant looks very busy with his work


After breakfast and getting ready, finally at eleven in the afternoon, I was accompanied by my husband. Finally, we set off. Today's plan is we want to go to a furniture store located at Maku coolie. we arrived in front of the shop.
When we got there, we saw that the shop assistants were still busy tidying up their ingredients which were still in disarray because this shop was very crowded with goods with a small number of shop assistants, so their work was a little slow, for a long time we shopped there, the buyers were very busy, they looked very busy with their respective shopping and I started to go in and asked the shop assistant what items I needed and the shop assistant gave us a warm welcome because this is what makes us feel at home shopping here.
I asked the shopkeeper to give us good cooking equipment at affordable prices they had time to show several models of sense of rice and finally I had decided the item I would buy, namely rice cooker with a good brand and a very affordable price.

I bought a rice cooker


the shop assistant packed the things I bought


After making a choice, I finally chose this rice cooker which in my opinion has very good quality and very affordable prices. After a good fit, the shopkeeper finally packed my groceries and I decided to look for some other things that I wanted to buy.
Outside of the weather, the sun has a very high brightness, the atmosphere is very hot and makes me very tired, but when I'm not ready to go shopping, there's another item that I haven't bought, namely a fan, while my eyes are on a fan which is smaller in size and smaller in size. compared to our old one it seems I am very interested and want to buy it I immediately asked the shop assistant about the price, the shop assistant offered us this fan at a price of Rp. 220,000, we offered to reduce the price again and finally we bought this fan with a price of Rp. 200,000 and we agreed on that price and we accepted it and told the shopkeeper to pack it.

fan in electronics store


fan in electronics store


Many choices of fans are provided in electronics stores


The electronics and home furnishing shop located in the city of ripekuli is a well-known furniture and electronics store, in addition to affordable goods there also has very friendly waiters, lots of customers subscribe there, in fact, they are willing to come from far away specifically for shopping there I am also one of those customers, in fact almost all the furniture in my house I buy everything there such as refrigerators, tv's, wardrobes and other decorative tools I spend there.
After all the things I needed were met my husband and I decided to go home.

eat meatballs junction-rangkayan


eat meatballs junction-rangkayan


eat meatballs junction-rangkayan


Photo TakenViVO Y 12 S
Categorydiary game
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia
App Editor-
On the way home we stopped at a meatball stall until there I called the waiter and ordered two yellow syrup one for me and one for my husband we also ordered two bowls of chicken meatball noodles which looked very delicious, after waiting a few minutes our orders finally arrived we immediately enjoyed it and it turned out that it tasted very delicious, the texture of the meatballs was soft and the chicken was delicious, anyway we really enjoyed it and Alhamdulillah our stomachs were full and we immediately got out of the shop and continued our journey home.
On the way home we also had time to shop for the children's favorite food, namely rice wrap and their favorite chicken curry. We were happy to be able to buy their favorite food and in a few minutes we finally arrived home.
Arriving at home we unloaded the groceries from the motorbike and brought them in. We rested for a while the children were very happy they immediately took the food they bought earlier and then they ate it and they asked to buy it again if we went to the market again , indeed the name of the children, the food that has just been bought has not been finished, has asked to be bought again.
When we were enjoying dinner, finally the evening call to prayer was sounded, we immediately took wuzuk and prayed evening, after the evening prayer I took my cellphone and opened my account and wrote my diary today, I want to share my experience with my husband with friends who are there in this community, I hope friends feel happy and entertained with the life I tell you today, see you in my next post.




Nice post and also a nice day


Hi riska-amanda (55)

You have also shown in your post the engagements of your whole day and also what you have bought and sold and your first picture has been posted in which you are smiling, it looks very beautiful in this picture of you. I like your diary very much

Thank my friend

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