Better life the diary game [making cakes for Eid orders] Friday April 23, 2021

in Steem passion3 years ago

Hai friend...!!


As we know today is the eleventh day of fasting in the month of Ramadan, the month of Ramadan is a month full of mercy and forgiveness, Allah has multiplied fahala for those of us who do it, this morning after eating sahur and performing the Fajr prayer I took the opportunity to sleep again in a few hours while waiting for morning to arrive, because the morning sun has not risen from the eastern horizon, it is difficult for us to carry out all our activities.

In this post I would like to share some of the available pastries phothography, such as Ramadan in the previous year, starting from the ten days of Ramadan I have started to make dried keu for the buyer's order, we provide various kinds of pastries such as dahlia butter cake, nastar , onion cakes, peanut chocolate cakes, onion nuts and many other types of pastries, to attract the attention of the buyer we provide a variety of unique and beautiful cakes, here are some of the photography, let's take a look together.

Seperti yang kita ketahui hari ini adalah hari ke sebelas kita menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan, bulan ramadhan adalah bulan yang penuh dengan rahmat dan ampunan, Allah melipat gandakan fahala bagi kita yang mengerjakan amal ibadah, pagi ini setelah makan sahur dan menunaikan shalat shubuh saya mengambil kesempatan untuk tidur lagi dalam beberapa jam sambil menunggu pagi tiba, karna matahari pagi belum terbit dari ufuk timur sulit bagi kita untuk melaksanakan segala kegiatan kita.

Pada postingan kali ini saya ingin membagikan beberapa phothography kue kering yang sudah tersedia, seperti ramadhan di tahun sebelumnya mulai dari sepuluh hari Ramadhan saya sudah memulai untuk membuat keu kering untuk pesanan pembeli, kami menyediakan berbagai macam kue kering seperti kue mentega dahlia, kue nastar,kue bawang,kue coklat kacang, kacang bawang dan masih banyak jenis kue-kue kering lainnya, untuk menarik perhatian si pembeli kami menyediakan berbagai macam kue unik dan cantik-cantik, berikut beberapa photographynya, mari sama-samakita lihat

kue kering Dahlia


dahlia pastries



kue coklat kacang


Peanut Chocolate Cake



kue bawang renyah


For the number of orders, each buyer must tell in advance about what and how much you want to order, because the supply of cakes is limited, since I only employ one or two people in making cakes, our business is only small, why is that? because we lack the capital to open a business, our business name is "industry, pastry business, home business"

Untuk jumlah pesanan si pembeli harus memberi tahu terlebih dahulu tentang jenis kue apa dan berapa yang ingin di pesan, karna persediaan kue kami terbatas,kami menerapkan hal ini untuk menghindari kekecewaan terhadap si pembeli,berhubung saya hanya ingin mempekerjakan satu dua orang saja dalam pembuatan kue, usaha kami hanya kecil-kecilan saja, mengapa demikian? karna kami kekurangan modal untuk membuka usaha, nama usaha kami adalah: "perindustrian usaha kue kering rumah tangga"

Pineapple filled pineapple cake




Many are interested and order our pastries, besides the delicious and crunchy taste of the cakes, our cakes also have a beautiful and unique shape at affordable prices too, for this type of pastry we sell for IDR 120,000 in a kilo, for crispy onion keu IDR 70. 000 in a kilo InsyaAllah, our trading business is selling well every year.

Banyak yang meminati dan memesan kue kering kami selain rasa kue yang enak dan renyah kue kami juga memilki bentuk yang cantik dan unik dengan harga terjangkau juga, untuk jenis kue kering kami yang menjual dengan harga Rp120.000 dalam sekilo, kalau untuk keu bawang renyah Rp70. 000 dalam sekilo InsyaAllah usaha dagang kami laris manis setiap tahunnya

Until here, my post at this meeting, I really hope for support from friends, before I end I want to say a big thank you to the admin of the steem passion community @ahmadcmk and the moderator, thanks also to @booming01 who has given a lot support for the progress of this community, I beg you to come to my blog every now and then, I am very grateful for your every support, thank you also for friends who have always supported me bye.

Sampai di sini dulu postingan saya pada pertemuan kali ini, saya sangat mengharapkan dukungan dari sahabat, sebelum saya akhiri saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Admin komunitas steem passion @ahmadcmk beserta moderatornya, terima kasih juga kepada @booming01 yang telah banyak memberi dukungan untuk kemajuan komunitas ini, saya mohon sekali-kali datanglah ke blog saya, saya sangat senang atas setiap dukungan anda, terima kasih juga buat teman-teman yang selama ini selalu mendukung saya sampai jumpa

Greetings from @riska-amanda


you are working hard for preparing this sweet your photography is attractive thanks for sharing such a nice post in our community thanks

thank you for commenting, I am very happy for your kindness

Don't make us eat your country food I liked that best biscuits namaz thing He was looking beautiful even in my view, I think you must have eaten it would be very fun.

Yes, thank you

hay @riska-amanda

a very good post and thank you for sharing about some of the prises of making food, I think it must be really good, and the process of making it is very difficult,

the manufacturing process is very easy, thank you for visiting my blog @humaidi

You are wel,,,👍

The food of your country and the food of our country is a little different but the food of your country looks very beautiful

how the type of food in your country, thank you for visiting my blog

Sukses terus say

Terima kasih sobat

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