THE DIARY GAME || ☆ Apreciando las cosas pequeñas ☆ // Appreciating the little things (17-05-2021)

in Steem passion3 years ago

¿Qué tal amigos? Un saludo a todos los miembros de la comunidad Steem passion.

He tenido días contentos en los que solo hago cosas cotidianas o nada fuera de lo normal, pero es increíble que a pesar de eso puedas encontrar tanta belleza o esplendor en cosas que puede ver incluso a diario. El sol, flores, pasto o apreciar un atardecer 🌷

I have had happy days where I only do everyday things or nothing out of the ordinary, but it is incredible that despite that you can find so much beauty or splendor in things that you can see even on a daily basis. The sun, flowers, grass or appreciating a sunset 💜

ღ(¯`◕‿◕´¯) En días recientes como me he quedado en casa de mi novio @fernandojcc, hemos pasado mucho tiempo juntos y salimos a realizar diferentes actividades; salimos en búsqueda de maquillaje que le había encargado a una amiga y nos regresamos caminando (una caminata bastante larga), llegamos muy cansados.

In recent days since I have stayed at my boyfriend's house, we have spent a lot of time together and we go out to do different activities; We went in search of makeup that a friend had ordered and we walked back (quite a long walk), we arrived very tired

De camino a casa, pasamos por casa de una tía para tomar agua y descansar un rato antes de emprender nuestra ardua caminata 😥

On the way home, we stopped by an aunt's house to drink water and rest for a while before starting our arduous walk.

Yo como amante de la naturaleza pude apreciar el jardín de la casa y Fernando pidió permiso para que yo pudiese tomar algunas fotos.

As a nature lover, I was able to appreciate the garden of the house and Fernando asked permission for me to take some photos.

La cámara de mi teléfono no quería enfocar y tomé solo a algunas flores de las cuales resalta:

The camera of my phone did not want to focus and I took only a few flowers of which it stands out:

La hermosa orquídea // The beautiful orchid

Una flor preciosa que es símbolo nacional.// A precious flower that is a national symbol.

De esta no conozco el nombre pero es igualmente hermosa.//I do not know the name of this one but it is equally beautiful.

Esta flor de bella a las once que me recuerda a mi abuela porque ella solía tener de estas en su jardín. // This beautiful flower at eleven o'clock that reminds me of my grandmother because she used to have one of these in her garden.

Apreciar las cosas sencillas es uno de los sentidos de vivir, poder disfrutar de cosas lindas y simples 💜 Podemos tomar un momento para mirar al cielo, somos seres pequeños pero podemos marcar una pequeña diferencia ☘

Appreciating simple things is one of the senses of living, being able to enjoy beautiful and simple things 💜 We can take a moment to look at the sky, we are small beings but we can make a small difference ☘

꧁¡Les deseo una hermosa noche!꧂



Hello all your pictures look so cute and your first picture looks so awesome i like your picture

Hello thank you very much! I'm glad you like them.

Hello, friend

You posted in our community. Our community is very good. There are competitions going on now. You also take part in the competitions. I hope you will win a lot. Now you and I will be with you on your first post. Thank you

Hi friend! thank you very much for your support. I will be attentive to the contests.

You welcome

You posted very well I liked it very much

Flowers look great when they bloom. You showed great flowers in your post and wrote about them and your picture also looked very beautiful. I like your post.

thank you very much friend! I'm glad you like my photos

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