SEC Season 8 Week 4: The dessert of my dreams.steemCreated with Sketch.

in Colombia-Original2 years ago

Edited with photocollage

Hello everyone, it's yet another opportunity for me to share my entry with you all via the steemit engagement challenge contests season 8w 4 with the theme“The dessert of my dreams” It is indeed a very nice topic and I want to appreciate the community for organizing this beautiful topic.

🍨What is the dessert of your dreams? Because? 🍨


Dessert is the last course that we use to conclude a meal, it can be in form of sweet food or confection and beverage like good wine. It is often eaten after dinner or lunch in other to wash down the meal for proper digestion.

The dessert of my dream is ice cream 🍨 for me ice cream is one of the best-frozen desserts I love to take it after lunch or dinner because it has this sweet test and it is made with milk and numerous flavors. And most often than known it can be mixed with fruits like peaches, and strawberries as a topping to try.

Another reason why ice cream is my dream dessert is that it usually calms me down when the weather is hot, it's so refreshing to the body and it's very good during any season of the year. Mostly if I have a long day at work the only dessert that makes me happier is my favorite ice cream.

🍨What should a dessert have to be perfect? You can tell us about textures, flavors, temperatures, or anything that makes a perfect dessert. 🍨

A dessert will be perfect if it's sweet and also has numerous flavor tests just like ice cream. It is made with different types of flavors. A dessert can be fruits, wine, and many others but the most important part of the dessert is its flavor, texture, and how cold and refreshing it is. After eating a hot meal in the afternoon or evening, one needs a cold dessert to wash it down for good and proper digestion.

Ice cream has different flavors, such as strawberry, chocolate flavor, vanilla, milk, and many others. But the one I enjoy the most is the strawberry flavor and I enjoy it a lot.

🍨We would like you to draw, prepare, buy, or describe the dessert of your dreams (any option is valid) 🍨


I could have loved to prepare my special dessert but in my present stage, I don't have all the items required for me to make one because I'm not at home. But since I came down to my present location I usually go to the mall to buy my ice cream, the have different flavours of ice cream at the shopping mall but one of the best and favorite ice creams I buy is the strawberry flavor. It's very sweet and the flavor is so captivating.

🍨If you had to name the dessert of your dreams, what would it be? 🍨

Defresh Ice cream, the reason why I chose this name is that it goes in line with its function. The strew berry ice cream is the best when it comes to energy and feeling refreshed after a meal.

🍨Conclusion 🍨

It is important we observed taking dessert after our meal, because that help in proper digestion. I invite @josepha @mjerry @bensam2040 @jasminemary

Thank you


These cakes look really good

Thank you ma'am but it's an ice cream not cake😁.

Best regards.

 2 years ago 

Hola @yakspeace, a quien no le gusta un cremoso helado, como mencionas cae muy bien cuando hay mucha calor o después de una fuerte jornada de trabajo cambia el estado de ánimo.

Saludos 🤗

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Fecha de verificación:23/03/23


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@steemesp |@steemeng|@steem.ind

Thank you for the review sir, i'm grateful.


El helado ideal para las tardes de calor, menos mal lo encuentras en tu ubicación actual porque prepararlo requiere de varios ingredientes, tiempo y bastante refrigeración.

Me gusta el de fresa pero siempre es mi segunda opción, porque me gusta el chocolate, acá esas bandejas están bastante costosas espero que en tu país no sea así y disfrutes de ella en cada oportunidad que deseas.

You are right ma'am, preparing ice cream needs a lot of ingredients and its have to be kept into the refrigerator.

Thank you for your contribution and kind comments, i'm grateful.

Así es y la ansiedad por esperar que esté listo desespera.

De nada.

Thank you❤

Ciertamente el helado es una buena opción como postre @yakspeace, ya que además de su agradable sabor cuando el día es caluroso ayufa mucho para refrescar y sobrellevar el calor.


You are right sir, it's indeed good for dessert. Thank you for your valuable comment, it's highly appreciated.

Tienez razón el helado es el postre ideal para un día caluroso, que bueno que lo puedas conseguir tan fácilmente en el lugar en que te encuentras y en tus fotos se ven apetitosos. Saludos

Thank you for your comment ma'am its highly appreciated.

Thanks for inviting me. I have already participated and I most say that your performance is okay. Best of luck to you.

Thank you for your best wishes 🙏

Saludos! Creo que no hay persona en el mundo que no le guste el helado. A mí me encanta, con esa gran variedad de sabores los cuales podemos disfrutar. A mí también me encanta el de fresa, pero el que más me fascina es el de Torta suiza y el de chocolate.

Éxitos en el reto.

Woow i'm glad you also love ice cream ma'am its indeed something loved by everyone. Thank you for visiting my blog.

el helado siempre es buenisimo gracias por compartir tu postre favorito.. bendiciones.

Thank you for your kind comment, i appreciate.

My friend am so elated to have read your blog. Indeed the frozen ice cream is my craving right now. I just came out of the sun and it is indeed what I need. A perfect dessert must be very sweet and cold suiting every weather of the year.

Defresh Icecream is the proper name as you mentioned. It is indeed the dessert of your dreams and it is well deserving too. Success in the challenge my dear friend.

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