I take care of the planet and you? Contest

in Colombia-Original2 years ago (edited)

Hello, my steemit family. First of all, I would like to thank the Colombia-Original community for opening this competition. I care about Earth Day, which is organized to draw attention to all the environmental threats the world is facing.

I try to do everything in my power to preserve the beauty of the world. I would like to tell you about how I try to keep the world and my environment clean and share with you what I can show.

I try to use resources such as natural gas, electricity, and water that I use at home without wasting them. When I am not using the electrical appliances I use at home, I unplug them from the socket. By giving my children responsibility, I tell them to turn off unnecessary light bulbs. I tell them that electricity and water are national assets. I am careful not to waste water and I use a water-saving cartridge.

I avoid using disposable cups and bottles. I don't pollute the water by pouring cooking oil down the sink. I send waste oil to recycling. I care about recycling to protect the world. Today I did some recycling-related activities for you.

Fotoram.io (45).png

Since plastic bags pollute nature, I use cloth bags for grocery shopping. I do not throw away the bags that come to me from anywhere, I evaluate them. I'm not buying a new garbage bag, I'm using them. Yogurt containers, egg cartons, etc. accumulated at home. I recycle plastic items and cartons by bagging them.

Fotoram.io (44).png

We leave our unused clothes in the recycling piggy bank. We can leave shoes, blankets, sheets, and textiles in the clothes box. These are then washed and ironed to be given to those in need.

Fotoram.io (46).png

I collect school books to be recycled in a parcel at my house. With every piece of paper we recycle, we can prevent trees from being cut. In addition, I collect the dead batteries of clocks and battery-operated toys at home in a box and throw them into the battery recycling bin. If batteries are left to nature, harmful substances are in the mix with water and soil. Living things are adversely affected. I don't throw away the olive etc glass jars I bought from the market, I fill them with kitchen supplies at home. I don't throw it into nature, I consider it.

I participated in the "Breathe to the Future, Breath to the World" campaign in Turkey and planted saplings. I planted fruit trees in my garden. I can share my strawberry pot, which I grew at home, and my onion pots, which I left behind in the greenery of the building.

I protect nature as much as I can and I am happy about it. stay well.

I invite my friends @whyshy and @habercitr to this beautiful contest.
Information: All photos belong to me.


Bu güzel konuyu anlatmanız çok güzel olmuş. Bu bilinçte olmak inanın çok önemli. Çocuklarımizada küçükken bunun bilincini vermeliyiz.

Çocuklar küçük yaşta edindikleri kazanımları unutmuyorlar. Elimden geleni yapmaya çalışıyorum. Yorumunuz teşekkür ederim.

It's nice to see recycling in every part of your life, thank you for sharing it with us 👍
I wish you success in the competition.

Thank you, I'm trying my best.

A clean world happens with good people.

There are many unseen heroes around us. Someone wastes everything and destroys most things. But many people we don't see make an effort to make the world beautiful. According to what I read in the post, you are one of these heroes.

Every activity you do is a source of oxygen for us. I would also like to thank you for passing this beautiful information on to future generations.

Thank you for providing very high quality information. It's nice to see you participating in competitions. ☺️

Thank you for your nice comment.
I want to leave a generation that avoids throwing even a small piece of paper on the ground.

This is the perfect target.

 2 years ago 

You do many important things at home to take care of the planet, such as avoiding the use of plastic bags and trying to recycle plastic packaging. I also save batteries, I know they are very harmful, I put them together and then I take them to authorized places.

It's good that you wash and give the clothes and textiles you no longer use to the needy, with this you not only help the planet, but also your neighbor.
Thank you @versemeta very much for your participation and for supporting the community @colombiaoriginal.

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We must do our best, big or small, the world is our home. Thank you.

I think that the whole world should embrace the recycling event and take the necessary steps in this regard. In order for the world to be a more livable place, it is necessary to produce materials that dissolve in nature by using technology and science and this should be widespread.

I had a project related to recycling, which was actually integrated with the steemit platform, but I could not implement it.

I was thinking of investing in steemit by placing recycling bins with the Steemit logo on all the streets where I live and selling products such as plastic, paper and glass that have accumulated.

I was planning to strengthen my account with this investment I made, and then organize various aids with the money we earned. I may implement this project in the future :) I need some time for this.

Your project is very good, I hope you will realize it as soon as possible.

I always try to bring my own bags to avoid getting more plastic ones that only makes me so upset because they are filling up my rucksack with unnecessary space I might being use with other objects. 😂 Nice habits you got for the sake of the earth. Happy Tuesday and receive my best regards. #venezuela #affable

You are right.😂 I wish the good habits we have acquired on behalf of the world to increase. Thank you so much. Happy Days.

You're pretty welcome here. 😃👍🏼 Best regards.

It is very valuable that you instill this in children, thanks to conscious people like you, our nature will remain clean.

Thank you. Best regards.

Geri dönüşüm için gösterdiğiniz özenden dolayı sizi tebrik ederim. Doğamızı korumaya olan katkınız için teşekkürler. BEende çok uzun süredir plastik, kağıt ve ambalaj atıklarını ayrı biriktiririm. Doğamız bizim atalarımızdan aldığımız emanet ve çocuklarımıza bırakacağımız en değerli miras. Postunuz çok güzel ove anlamlı olmuş 🤗

Ben teşekkür ederim. Dediğiniz gibi bizler büyük bir emaneti taşıyoruz ve bunu en iyi şekilde emanet etmemiz lazım. Elimden geleni yapmaya çalışıyorum.🤗

I have an uncle that loves to take care of plants. I help him water it when the need arises but personally, I don't think I can start and finish it, trust me, I have tried.

It's nice of you to help. help when you can. Taking care of flowers gives life.

Hello friend

Very nice post about your way to care the planet. I wish many people will care our planet.

Excellent words and actions. Keep it up.

Good luck

Thank you, we will make it together.

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