Steemit Engagement Challenge (week 4): Share your Original Talent by @shahzaibb

Here we are with yet another article solely about myself and myself only, and let’s hope that it stays solely about myself which I am afraid might not happen, but I’ll keep the mentions short as we will be talking about “My Original Talents” today.

So here is the thing, talent is natural born according to some studies, while others suggest that talent isn’t natural born, it is more like cultivated or acquired with passion, dedication, motivation, patience, and most importantly practice. And both have given key factual proofs to prove their claims correct. Well, I will talk about my talents from both perspectives, and then we will decide if it is(are) natural or cultivated.

Let’s start with something I am really good at and probably talented too, writing. As far as I can recall I started writing some exceptional pieces of work, which included mainly and mostly fiction as well as descriptive writing, creative writing, and formal writing, back in 2014 when I first enrolled in O’levels.

How is this a talent? Well, before that I wasn’t writing to put it simply. It took me less than six months before I started to write better than the most in my class who had been writing way before I started doing it. With time and a lot of other components such as passion, dedication, motivation and patience I got better and better at it. I can write about anything, well almost anything as long as I can find something interesting about that particular thing.



Another talent which I possess is very attractive or eye-catching hand writing, probably one of the major reasons why I liked writing and still do, and all thanks to my mother. Since we are talking from the perspective of natural born talents some other talents would be cricket. It is a classic game which I am very good at, and I mean very good.

Definitely inherited it from my father. Some other talents I may have inherited from my parents would include being good at communicating with individuals and negotiating terms or deals with fellow human beings. Talking about negotiation, it is definitely from my father as he has a marketing background. Intuition is the one I am pretty confused about as I can’t tell from whom I received it.


Now time to talk about some cultivated talents. Top of the list is languages. Apart from my native language Urdu, I can speak my regional language Punjabi, and among internationally spoken languages English is top of the list without a doubt, Spanish comes at second because, “Yo hablo un poco espanol también” translation of which is “I speak a little Spanish too”.

Now I didn’t google it because I am still learning it, there is a whole event behind it but in a nutshell why I am learning Spanish as well is so that I can watch movies or seasons in Spanish without subtitles. Typing would account for one of the cultivated talents as well, as I am getting better at it day after day.

So this was a small list of all the talents which I possess, and which can be described as well.

 2 years ago 

Greetings, good to see that you like writting.

The ideal is that you share it written in the post to be able to translate and verify your writting.

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Hola @shahzaibb; gracias a ti supe cómo se llamaba este idioma para lograr traducirlo, desde Venezuela y hablo español.
ਹੈਲੋ @shahzaibb; ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ ਮੈਂ ਜਾਣਦਾ ਸੀ ਕਿ ਵੈਨੇਜ਼ੁਏਲਾ ਤੋਂ ਅਤੇ ਮੈਂ ਸਪੈਨਿਸ਼ ਬੋਲਦਾ ਹਾਂ।
Hailō@shahzaibb; tuhāḍā dhanavāda maiṁ jāṇadā sī ki vainēzu'ēlā tōṁ atē maiṁ sapainiśa bōladā hāṁ.

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