SEC S11W1: Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood

in Colombia-Originallast year


Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? Why?

I believe that both men and women can be considered deficient if they're unfit to experience parenthood. However the fulfillments of life and completeness differ from person to person based on their individual preferences and circumstances. For some be coming a father's or mother's is a profound and beautiful journey where they dedicated themselves to nurturing their children's and providing a fulfilling life for them. Parenthood for numerous, is seen as the ultimate purpose of life, influenced by particular desires, societal norms, and family expectations.

On the other hand, there are individuals who aren't interested in parenting, and that choice is equally valid. For them, fulfillment in life may come from building a successful career, actively participating in social causes and development, pursuing their hobbies and heartstrings, or other meaningful endeavors. Not everyone's life path needs to involve parenthood to be considered meaningful or complete.


Throughout history, there have been multitudinous well- known personalities who didn't have children of their own but found fulfillment by adopting and nurturing children. This highlights the notion that parenthood isn't the only path to making a positive impact on youthful lives.

In essence, the decision to become a parent or not is a deeply particular one, and it should be respected. Parenting comes with its challenge's and responsibilities but for those who choose to embarking on that journeys it can bring about special and meaningful feelings in their lives. However it's pivotal to acknowledge that the definition of a fulfilling life varies from person to person, and there's no one- size- fits- all approach to chancing purpose and happiness. Each individual must choose what aligns stylish with their own values, goals, and desires.

Do you think a parent should put aside their goals or dreams for their children?

The primary's responsibility's of parent's is to meet all the requirements of their children's and provide them with a promising future. Often while catering to their children's needs parents tend to overlook their own aspirations and ambitions. It's a widely accepted notion that being married and becoming a parent demands multitudinous sacrifices, and as a result, individuals start considering their child's dream as their own.


In my view, parents do not need to set aside their goals and dreams. Instead, if they can help their children realize their own aspirations and life objectives, offering complete support to achieve success, witnessing their children's dreams come to consummation will be akin to accomplishing their own dreams as parents.

What is your view of people who choose not to have children?

There are multitudinous parents who choose not to have children, and colorful factors contribute to this decision. Each parent desires their child to grow up to be an exemplary individual, bringing pride to their parents. Unfortunately, there are instances in society where children's misconduct leads to their parents' suffering and societal disrespect. Observing similar situations fosters reluctance among parents to have offspring.

Furthermore, the insecurity of being unfit to adequately provide for a child and the burden of an inviting workload deter numerous people from having children. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that children are a godly blessing bestowed upon every parent. Thus, every able parent should embrace parenthood, placing trust in the Creator and ensuring the continuity of their lineage.


Do you consider that in order to be a mother or father there must be ideal conditions ? Why ?

I believe you're looking for a paraphrased version of the given text. Here is the same text with some changes in wording

Becoming a parent requires acceptable preparation and favorable conditions. As children grow up, maternal responsibilities escalate significantly. During grueling times in their lives, children rely on their parents for substantial support. Hence, it's essential for parents to possess the internal capacity to provide the necessary assistance.

A child's education and unborn prospects depend on fiscal stability. In some instances, children may need to pursue advanced education abroad, which can be extremely grueling without sufficient fiscal backing from parents. Therefore, being a parent entails having the fiscal capability to secure their child's future.

Moreover, being a parent demands physical and social adeptness. The society presents multitudinous factors that can impede a child's progress, but a flexible parent can effectively manage these social influences to help their child advance.

@mateenfatima @uzma4882 @aminasafdar

 last year 


Creo que estás buscando una versión parafraseada del texto dado. Aquí está el mismo texto con algunos cambios en la redacción.

I believe you're looking for a paraphrased version of the given text. Here is the same text with some changes in wording

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c.c @steemcurator01 @josevas217

 last year 

Esto si que es vergonzoso, preguntas que hemos creado oara qur los usuarios respondan desde ina postura muy personal y esta usuaria utiliza IA para generarla, por favor.

Aquí es evidente el uso de IA. @sawera1, si se detecto algún otro abuso de su parte en el futuro será silenciada de manera inmediata de la comunidad.


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