"SEC S11W5: Climate Changes in the World." | 25% to null

in Colombia-Original10 months ago
Good morning 🌄

Greetings to all of you!
Climate is changing day by day and not only in specific area is changing world wide due to many reasons that's why there are many reasons behind global warming.

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Do I think that global warming is influencing the frequency with which natural phenomena are occurring?

Global warming is very influential upon the frequency of different natural phenomenae. When earth temperature rises and continual to rise then greenhouse gas emissions also increase and we see noticeable increase in the occurrence of extreme weather events 🌍🔥 🌪️

Intensification of hurricanes

Global warming is causing intensification of hurricanes. Day by day we are seeing more frequent hurricanes because warmer temperature oceans are providing energy to hurricanes to form. These hurricanes cause devastating winds,heavy rainfalls as well as cause a lot of damage to coastal areas also which in return is threatening condition for human life also.

More frequent heat waves
Global warming is also very effective if we talk about increased frequency of heat waves because when temperature rises continuously then it cause prolonged periods of heat and as a result heat waves effect human health to our great extent and also put a strain on the infrastructures which negatively effects wildlife by increasing risk of wildfire.

Increase in droughts

Global warming is also causing droughts because when temperature rise then it cause evaporation rate to cause to great extent and in this way water content dries from soil. When water dries from soil in these conditions then it cause lack in rainfall as well as cause poor agriculture and dry fields that becomes more susceptible to ignition.


(Picture of melting glacier I captured while travelling kaghan valley situated in Pakistan)

Glaciers melting

Global warming also have a great affect on melting of glaciers and when melting occurs then sea levels increase that in return cause floods especially in coastal areas that's why it is said that coastal community is more vulnerable to the impacts of global warming in the terms of having floods so in return floods impact property and cause loss of livelihoods.

Has my country been affected by global warming? Can you give us an example of how it affects the country and you

Yes I live in Pakistan and my country has been affected by global warming. When I talk about an example of saying that my country is being affected by global warming still then I always say that I am noticing arise in the frequency and intensity of hurricanes and rising temperature day by day as well as I am noticing more damage to coastal areas of my country.

Experienced more destructive hurricans

I have experienced very recently too much destructive hurricans in my country that bring heavy rainfall and strong surges which also leads to flood and then flood leads to property damage and loss of life of the people of my country Pakistan as well as further more most affected areas of my country were the coastal areas and all these were the result of rising sea levels continuously.

Economical damage

When hurricanes frequency increase then we cannot say that there would be no effect on economy so cost that is associated with rebuilding and recovery is very definite and substantial and all the infrastructures which includes the construction of road bridges and different buildings face a severe damage which requires significant investment to reconstruct.Economy can also affect in a way in the destruction of tourism.

Increased heatwaves

Rising temperature has also affecting my community and country in a way of increasing heat waves in country that caused prolonged period of heat pose health risk like heat stroke in children adults and older age people. I have also seen change in ecosystem and natural habitats in my country like it cause disturbed rainfall patterns which has also affected animals and plants species and as a result caused loss of biodiversity also.


(Picture about strong heatwave I captured in northern area travel)

Effects of global warming on me

We all know that we should be careful in the season of hurricans and should take some advance precautions to protect our homes and our love the ones so global warming and its impact also affects me because it cause me anxiety that was coming with the approaching storms and after that aftermath of that damage or devastation was also emotionally and physically draining.

Pakistan taking steps for minimizing global warming

My country has been taking several steps to minimizing the impacts of global warming.

  • My country is implementing on the measures for strengthening the infrastructures and improving disaster preparedness.
  • My country is also playing a role in investing in renewable energy sources for the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
  • My country is also working on planting more and more trees for decreased risk of global warming.
How do natural phenomena affect the economy and infrastructure of your country?

Natural phenomenas that I have already discussed earlier like hurricans and extreme weather events like heavy rainfall and flooding etc can significantly have any effect on infrastructure and economy of my country. All these events collectively can cause damaged to different buildings roads and in return they required significant investments for reconstruction.

Destruction in businesses

Hurricanes when strike then always cause destruction in businesses interrupt supply chains and also affect to a reason at greater extent which have poor economic consequences due to a lot of floods ,property damage etc. After all these destruction cost for reconstruction is also substantial so government must allocate different resources to repair all the infrastructure which is being damaged by hurricanes that's why these investments are very necessary to gain normality and safety for well being and betterment of population.

There are smaller businesses that struggle hard to recover which cause job losses and also cause a large in stability in economy and when tourism decline occurs then it cause real effect on different industries as well as hospitality and retail.

Destruction in agriculture

Natural phenomena also affect agriculture to a great extent when droughts occurs due to the dryness of water as a result of lack of rains so low water content in soil damages crops so agriculture output becomes very low so it was increase in food price due to lac in the availability of food.


(Picture showing weather change in rainfall pattern captured by me)

Restrictions in economical development

Due to different natural phenomena when infrastructure damage then it also becomes are restriction in economical growth because when there would be poor infrastructure and poor construction of roads and bridges with serves as a transportation network then it becomes very challenging to supply different goods from one place to another so trading disturbance occurs at a great extent.

"If" it were the end of the world and they choose you to go to another planet, what would you take or who would you take, explain your decision?

If I were chosen to go to another planet when I already know that world is going to end then I would choose my family to go with me because my family is most important for me so I would never let them alone in such a critical situation as I love them a lot and I love that my family surrounds me in such critical situation.

Reasons to choose my family

  • Family always provides emotional support to me and guide me to combat with the challenging environment and if I go with my family then we all would be able to lean on each other by providing emotional physical support and strength to each other in this difficult time.
  • Me and my family would contribute together for the survival of new community at a new planet. When I would bring my family with me then we would have a better chance to adapt ourself in that new environment and we would be more resilient together to survive in all challenging situations in a new planet.

What would I think about other friends

I want to say that the bond that God made between a family is irresplasable and cannot be replaced with any other relation in this world so we should all take care of our families and pray for their well being every time.

I know that other relations other than the family like our loved ones and other friends would be very difficult to leave behind but to start a fresh life on another planet with my family would be once in my lifetime experience and it would give me a new opportunity to build a new life and to interact with new ones.

I want to invite some of my friends to participate here


(All images are my property according to rules and captured through device oppo f-15)

Have a nice day😀

Saludos @sahar78

En tu contenido has señalado de excelente manera y detalladamente todo los fenómenos meteorológicos que acontecen en el planeta en distintos puntos y sufrimos todos estos embates del calentamiento global con sus efectos catastróficos que dejan a su paso dejando marcas profundas en todos y en las infraestructuras donde nos encontramos y en función de todo esto, es necesario que que todos y cada uno comencemos por poner nuestro granito de arena para comenzar a reducir estos procesos y transformar nuestros actos, convirtiéndolos en lo mas ecológicos en la medida de lo posible...

Saludos deseando tengas muchos éxitos amiga.

Thank you so much for liking my content and forgiving such a nice review about my post I am very happy with your comment as well as I am happy that you have good knowledge about global warming and effects that global warming have on our life.

I agree with you that due to global warming bad effects we have different situations like floods and infrastructure disturbances and its requires a lot of investment to repair infrastructure that's why we should be well aware and adopt preventions so that we may not face any loss.

Thanks for being here at my post and I wish you success also in engagement challenge I have visited your entry first which was very good.

Pemanasan global dapat meningkatkan suhu tanah serta menyebabkan krisis Air bersih. Ini kondisi yang perlu ditangani secara cepat mengingat bencana ini sering terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia..

Due to global warming temperature is increasing day by day I agree with your concept and that's why water crisis also occurs due to the process of evaporation increase and yes I agree that this all are the conditions that needs to be addressed very quickly if we want if you keep ourself away from more and more disasters day by day I appreciate your comment and your visit and I wish you success.


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Thank you Soo much @edgargonzalez

Hola @sahar78.

Muchas gracias por la participación, realmente estamos viviendo tiempo complicados en cuanto al clima se refiere, cada día son más los problemas ambientales y menos posibles las soluciones, esperemos las cosas mejoren con el tiempo y la conciencia de las personas.

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Global warming is caused by the destruction of forests and the increased use of fossil fuels and gas as a result of the industrial revolution. Then, as humans, we must accept responsibility for this global warming.

Yes global warming is totally destruction of forests and increase the use of fossil fuels because fossil fuels eliminate different gases like carbon monoxide and many more that are injurious for human health and also not good for ecosystem that's why we should avoid such kind of activities like burning of fossil fuels and if we are burning then we should have a proper arrangement of that because you take care of our environment because we are living here I agree with all of your concepts and I really appreciate your comment that you visiting my entry I am very happy for that I wish you success

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