Steemit Engagement Challenge Season8 Week1: What is the value of life?steemCreated with Sketch.

Greetings to all. I'm excited to be here and take part in this engagement challenge discussion on the value of life. Everybody cherishes their lives and will do whatever to prevent anything bad from happening.


As I think about this contest, I am reminded of how many people were killed and slaughtered in my country by bandits and Fulani herders, how people committed crime and they were punished with death penalty.

What do you think about the death penalty, do you agree or disagree? Explain why?

In most governing bodies, the judiciary imposes the death penalty as a kind of legal punishment for criminal offenses. The death penalty is a brutal and cruel approach that the government may use to slow the rate at which criminal activity grows there. A country's condition of anarchy needs to be effectively managed; by taking these steps, a sovereign state can achieve peace and tranquillity.

As a result, I wholeheartedly support the usage of the death penalty as a tool to preserve state-level tranquility and lower the number of hoodlums and other bad people committing crimes across the country. Furthermore, it fully agrees that the death penalty is an effective deterrent since it inspires fear in the populace. Due to their fear, they abide by the law and order, which helps to keep the country/state peaceful and orderly. The death penalty measures would keep the nation's tranquility.

Is this type of penalty part of the law in your country? Do you think it should be implemented

In my country, the death penalty is an element of the legal system. To ensure that perpetrators of questionable crimes are prosecuted, severe measures are taken. In my country, a crime must have occurred before the judge can sentence someone to death. These crimes include armed robbery, assassination, murder, aiding a child or lunatic in committing suicide, and fabricating false evidence that results in the conviction of an innocent person.

The death penalty ought to be implemented, in my opinion, to lower crime and improve moral and ethical standards

Do you know of any particular case of death penalty in your country or any other country? Can you share it?

Yes. I am aware of a few instances. The incident that is still clear in my memory occurred in 2020 at the EndSars protest, when three armed bandits attempted to rob a local businessman and killed him in the process. The armed robbers were successfully captured thanks to one of the neighbors who heard the gunfire and called the OPC, who arrived on the scene right away. Since they believed that some avaricious judges would weaken the legislation, the OPC opted against suing them. Instead, they choose to punish them. Since the armed robbers killed a person while committing the robbery, the OPC chose to execute them by burning them to death.

Note: OPC is a non-government organisation that fight against crime and immoral activities


In conclusion, I think life is incredibly valuable and I don't think it's acceptable for individuals to kill others just because they're people. Since there are so many instances in my country where people are killed without cause and no one is held accountable, my prayer is that it will change. I hope my entry has helped us all. The death penalty is still used to bring law and order to a bad state. It continues to be a means of preventing crime and instability in the country.

I challenge @preye2 @fombae and @loloy2020 to participate.

 last year 

Hola @mato445, muchas gracias por compartir parte de las leyes de tú país. Veo que existen grupos organizados para castigar a quienes cometan actos delictivos a veces las leyes o los que las ejecutan pueden equivocarse o manipular las mismas es hay donde esa organización hace valer la ley real.

Saludos 🤗

Criterio❌ ó ✅Puntuación
Libre de plagio1/1
Libre de Bot1/1
Estado del Club2/2
Calidad del contenido2.5/3
Fecha de verificación:27/02/23


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Your post has been supported by @msharif from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 50%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.
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