Steemit Engagement Challenge (w2): create your original story / The pain of war / by @jensys888

in Colombia-Original2 years ago

hello dear steemir of the #Colombia-Original community it is a pleasure to be here with you, I come to participate in today's challenge, my first challenge of the week 2

"Noche estrellada sobre el Ródano"
Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch painter, one of the main exponents of post-impressionism.

A very young couple married very young at 20 years old Robert and 22 years old Samantha Robert belonged to the national army was the year 1938 passed the years Samantha began to feel beautiful dizziness was something wrong decided to go to the family doctor which agency in an old hut upon arrival the doctor tells them that congratulations Samantha is pregnant Robert jumping with excitement could not believe it embraced Samantha his tears spilled everywhere because supposedly she could not have children.

The next day they called the family to a family reunion where they feasted to the fullest. They had different types of food since it was accessible at that time for those who had a high rank in the army of the national army.

In the middle of October 1939, rumors of war began to spread. Germany began to threaten many countries with the dictator Hitler, and at the beginning of September of the same year Robert received the worst news of his life, the Second World War.

He had to take the troops to protect his country and Samantha did not want to let him go because it could be the end for both of them and their little brown children only a few months old were not going to meet their father knowing the terror of what war is.

Robert tells her -Samanta everything will be fine- we will be in a low risk zone you can be calm go to your parents' house in the countryside there they will be safe I will be back I promise" with a hug and a broken voice Samantha watches him get into a military open top jeep and leave until he loses sight of him on the road.

Rober arrives at the barracks where his assault platoon is waiting for him, he was going to the war itself where no other had won his platoon was not many only a few that could be counted on one hand in the place they looked at a war tank that was his next home.

They arrived, mounted and left with limited ammunition and a strong spirit of warriors arriving at a lonely road they sent two comrades Sergeant Alan Frortines and Lance Corporal Stiven Gaberneertt to guard the front while the other comrades looked inside a house to see if there were any supplies.

Sergeant Alan and Corporal Stiven arrived very tired and said that a frigate was approaching, they were bringing 4 battalions of 30 soldiers each, equivalent to about 120 men, there were 7 of us, we can't beat them, let's go, Robert as leader told them no, we will never surrender.

And so it was they planned a strategy to make the enemy think that the tank was destroyed and that there was no one alive inside it. they finally arrived and deployed in several parts to see the tank. they silently waiting for the movement in front came General Meyer singing and smiling for his victory in the previous town destroyed many innocent lives, as these were Nazis supported by Hitler.

At that moment Robert says in a licentious voice, prepare the cannon, aim at the general, fire at my command, everyone is ready, he feels the uncertainty of what could happen and the anxiety eats his insides when he reaches a position where Robert knows he has no escape, he gives the expected signal FIRE, a roar is heard from the cannon followed by more than 120 rifles, shrapnel and more, Robert says the target has been eliminated.

It is not time to celebrate since they had to finish with the others, Rober begins to throw grenades through the top of the tank, they try to escape but the fire reaches them while a right track of the tank comes off, they say inside the tank it was a pleasure to have fought with you, we will fight until the end.

Just when they thought that all was lost, the allies arrived and surrounded the enemy. They all looked at each other's faces and thanked God for having saved them from this terrible story. 8 months passed and Robert returned home without an arm since he had lost it in the war, but alive, his wife Samantha was waiting for him with their two twins who looked at him and laughed.

the war ended in 1945 and lasted 6 years and one day exactly. it is unfortunate that such heartbreaking situations are happening in our world. i hope that the wars in ukraine will end soon and also in other countries dominated by armed groups, let the innocent live and not be cowardly as they are now in ukraine, a defenseless country and victim of a senseless war.

✨✨✨Happy beginning of the week thanks for visiting me✨✨✨

by @jensys888

note: All images have an author caption.


Definitivamente comparto cada una de tus pensamientos @jensys888 la guerra es lo mas frio y bill que pueda existir y todo por lo material que el día que dejemos esta tierra no nos vamos a llevar nada.

Gracias por relatarnos esta historia que inspira a muchos a luchar contra la guerra y el odio en el mundo suerte.

Gracias por leer mi historia realmente siempre he estado en contra de cualquier conflicto armado sea cual sea su índole,

Siempre creo en un dialogo saludos. y gracias por estar aqui y por el apoyo.

Impactante historia amiga!
Y lo importante que es valorar la vida, y ver qué las guerras lo que trae es muertos. Que bueno que Robert sobrevivió pero que lamentable que perdió el brazo, pero está con su familia y sus hijos no se quedaron sin padres.

Éxitos amiga y muchas bendiciones!

Si querida @gema777 son las secuelas de la guerra lamentablemente perdió un brazo lo bueno es que salvo muchas vidas.

lamentablemente aun vivimos esos tiempo sea por grupos paramilitares grupos armados en este tiempo

the saddest thing is that this happens today there is also war for many people, the great thing about van goh is that everyone sees something different in that painting, you see a war story and I something very different, thanks for sharing

thanks @rosz for stopping by my post yes I really wanted to give a message for everyone.

That war is bad and makes no sense whatsoever.

una historia inspirada en lo atroz que puede ser estar en la guerra, increible los acontesimientos, me puso a pensar que eso es lo que viven el dia a dia en ucrania, mis respetos hacia ellos, me encanto el desenlace, te deseo mucho exito!.

he leido varios cuentos y este es uno de los mejores, me gusto.
la guerra demuestra sufrimiento y mucha angustia de personas inocentes, roberth pudo volver a casa a salvo y estar con su familia, muy buena historia, exitos!.

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