RESILIENCE MANUAL by @ishayachris

in Colombia-Original2 years ago


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Cordial greetings to all the members of @colombia-original, and to their friends and lovers around the world. I have the believe that we are all in good shape. Its a privilege to be among you today to share how I bounce back after facing some difficulties or challenges. Before I move further, I do love to appreciate this community for organizing this wonderful contest, and also for contributing towards the growth of this platform in general.



Base on my understanding, I see resilience as a process of adapting well when faced with adversity, threats, family or relationship problems, trauma, financial crisis, etc. It can be defined simply as the process of bouncing back from difficult experience.

As we all know, life is not always full of bed of roses. Some times you find yourself filled with joy and happiness, while some days comes with pains and sorrows. This are things that are inevitable in life. No matter how much we try to stay away from bad experiences, we must come across them some day. Nevertheless, we all have one or two ways in which we bounce back from difficult situations. The ways in which we regain our happiness after passing through challenges differs from one another. In this article, I will be sharing with you how I overcome my challenges when faced with one.


I (@ishayachris) have had a lot of challenges, pains, and sorrows. I have experienced the death of friends and family members. I have also experience exam failure and financial crisis. When ever I'm faced with any challenge, sharing my problems with someone does not make me happy, neither do going for shopping or visiting beaches make me regain my happiness. I'm someone that like talking to myself, as such, whenever I have a problem and I'm down, I ask myself questions. First of all, I do call my name Chris, and same me will answer yes..., then I will ask myself, is there any condition that's made to be permanent in life? And I will say no to myself. Secondly, I will ask myself, will thinking and mourning take away the problem you are passing through? And I will answer by saying no. Thirdly, I will ask myself, do you value what happened more than your happiness? And I will answer no. Fourthly, I will ask myself, does what happened mean the end of life to you? And I will answer myself by saying never. Fifthly, I will ask myself, how old are you? Then I will call out my age. Anytime I call out age after answering the remaining questions, I will look at myself in a mirror, and say to myself, relax you are too young to kill your self over things that mourning and grumbling can't change.

Once I'm done talking to myself, the next thing I do is to go to the bathroom and take a shower. As soon as I'm done bathing, I will come back to my room, pick my phone and earpiece and play music. As the music is playing, I will be dancing like an idiot. With that, my happiness overflows, and the pass becomes pass forever.


Challenges are inevitable in life, but how you handle it determines how fast you regain your happiness. Looking at my own method of regaining happiness, its clear that my happiness does not depend on any body. I hold the key to my happiness because I'm the best motivator of myself.

Thank you so much for reading.

15% to @colombiaoriginal

 2 years ago 

Definitivamente eres un gran motivador, me gustaron tus interrogantes porque realmente están cargadas de sabiduría, te felicito por pensar como lo haces, disfruté mucho leer tu publicación, los separadores también me encantaron.

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Thank you so much Ma,

Hola Parcer@
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We stopped by to tell you that we have come to vote for your publication.🙂

Thank you so much. As for voting @cotina, i have done that already.

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