 2 years ago 

I understand your fear but I suggest take them normally. Would you believe that I am not scared of anything related to doctors or surgery.

Sin duda alguna, las jeringas y el dentista fueron los grandes verdugos de esta dinámica; casi todos hemos manifestado temor por lo menos a uno de ellos. Gran publicación, éxitos en el concurso!

It's too bad he had that bicycle accident, wow a brain concussion that's tremendous, no one wants something like that but it's okay now, I imagine he always has to be checked because of the seriousness of the accident.


Maybe people are not afraid, but not yet brave. When they have courage, they will not be afraid anymore.

I also share posts about medical experiences, if you have time please see them and I am very happy.

Avoid any fear of surgery. They all help to hasten recuperation. Trust you.

Es común que muchos le teman a las jeringas; algunos aplican técnicas de respiración, relajación, y hasta se les sube la tensión cuando tienen que inyectarse, vacunarse o sacarse muestra de sangre.

Desde esa desagradable experiencia en su niñez con el apéndice le ha tenido temor asistir a las consultas médicas.

Éxitos en el concurso.

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