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RE: "Steemit Engagement Challenge Season8 Week1: What is the value of life?"

in Colombia-Original2 years ago (edited)

After very long time it's Hi from @growwithme.
I did participate in this challenge and then I thought to comment somewhat, somewhere. I can fulfill my writing needs for today.
As you know my way of commenting let's start with it, this proves that I read the full post then I am publishing the comment.

My answer is "NO" , I cannot agree with the death penalty, no matter how much I chew, swallow and chew the matter in question.

As you say "no" maybe you are right at your opinion but let me ask you a question here, it's very simple:
If a criminal killed a man who is father of 6 or 5 kids, and he is poor worker, criminal killed him for just 1500 PKR (5 USD) now the life of those kids have any value?
If we are letting that criminal alive is there not any chance of redoing the same crime by this criminal? Also there is a chance for other bad people to interact and involve in such activities.

In the Middle East this is daily bread, applying the maxim: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth .

Yeah it's right and it's very good for humanity. If we are thinking the criminals life is having a value, why don't we think about noble citizens life is having more value than criminals. This types of penalties let us make a true, neat and clean society. Islam is the way of life, it's not just religion, it's also a life system.

Sorry I don't have to go so much, in last I wanna ask you how are you? And how are the other family members?
It's goodbye.!


Hola amigo @growwithme
Te saludo con cariño; afortunadamente estamos bien mí familia y Yo.
Me alegra ver tu comentario y tu opinión.
El islam es un estilo de vida al cual respeto mucho pues tenemos a un mismo Dios, el Dios de Abraham. Compartimos la misma historia desde sus orígenes tanto los judíos como los musulmanes.
Respecto a mí punto de vista acerca de la pena de muerte insisto en que cada ser humano tiene valor y que una una muerte no nos devolverá la vida.
Sabemos que nuestro transitar es temporal y así como dices que un delincuente es capaz de matar por 5$, y dejar a una familia de 6 niños en orfandad, así sabemos que matar al delincuente no nos devolverá al padre de familia muerto.

La violencia no es razonable desde ningún punto de vista, no creo que un país sea más ordenado por aplicar la pena de muerte y matarnos los unos a los otros no es la solución al problema.
Yo creo en la restauración y regeneración de las personas y también creo que hay un juicio final en el cual todos daremos cuenta y pagaremos por nuestros actos: lo que hayamos pensado, lo que hayamos dicho y lo que hayamos hecho.

Te respeto y también respeto tu estilo de vida mí estimado amigo.

Yeah, I agree with you in some ways. As you can tell me you respect my lifestyle, I wanna add here something;
As you agree Islam is lifestyle, so it means Islam gives us every single solution at every single problem. Such as;
If we are rich and having more than $500 or more and hold these more than a year, he must have to pay 2.5% to poor person. So the poor can help to fulfill his requirements. etc, etc. There are so many examples just like this, so there are penalties as well and death penalty is one of them. Thank you for reading;.

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