"SEC Season 8 Week 6: For the Love of Animals". #burnsteem25

in Colombia-Originallast year


Hi esteemed members of Colombia-original hope you are doing great in your beautiful life, i am also good I am thankful to Colombia-original as they always bring an exciting and extraordinary topic for contest. Although; i am going to participate in the last week of season 8 the topic just attract me to share love on "SEC Season 8 Week 6: For the Love of Animals". Lets start it.

What is your opinion regarding animal abuse? Have you witnessed any event of animal abuse?

Animals are Allah's creatures and they are not born useless. Treating them with mercy and love is great deed and it shows our humanity with others creatures.

Abuse with animals i strongly condemned it as its not human behavior. They can not speak or tell then why we need to do abused with them. In my life i never did abuse or non human attitudes with animals.

As Allah disliked this act. In Holy Quran and hadith many time it is narrated verse about the mercy of animals and do good with them as its great accomplishment.

It is narrated Abu Huraira: "The Prophet said, 'A Prostitute saw a dog eating mud from (the severity of) thirst. So, that girl took a shoe (and filled it) with water and kept on pouring the water for the dog till it quenched its thirst. So Allah approved of his deed and made her to enter Paradise.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Ablutions (Wudu'), Volume 1, Book 4, Number 174)"


Another Narrated by Ibn 'Umar: "The Prophet said, 'A woman entered the (Hell) Fire because of a cat which she had tied, neither giving it food nor setting it free to eat from the vermin of the earth.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Beginning of Creation, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 535)".

kindness with animals is great mercy as cruelty is not allowed by Allah Almighty. I am very kind with animals and can not abuse with them. They can not spoken to me and if they are doing anything its the reaction of my behavior, otherwise certain animals are kind in behavior.

I have seen animals abused i am witness although not very frequently. I was residing in villge where watchman home was with me, one day a wandering dog came came and started playing with his dog, he take a stone and started beating the dog till the time he had gone.

I tried to stop him but i couldn't he said if i will not stopped him he will come daily and its not good thing. I made him clear by putting few examples of mercy with animals but he was not in situation to understand anything.

Are there animals living on the streets in your community? What do you think is the cause?

Yeah, of course i have seen many animals which are residing on the roadside in my village and town also, no one concerned about it, people keep them for their benefits and put them out during the day time. Such animals are mostly killed due to heavy school traffic on daily basis.

Its painful reality but its happened as people are not well aware from their social rights, they thought such animals should stay in streets and come back only in night time hence to protect them and their families.

The time till the proper laws are not in knowing to people this situation will be existence and these animals may become source of danger for people especially for the kids. These dogs often bites to kids and the rabbies disease is becoming prevalent.

A wandering dog on my way to hospital
Do you have or have you had any pets adopted at home? Tell us about her and what do you do to make your pet feel loved?

Well, i don't have adopted any animal at home because i thought its a responsibility to take care of them, their food, health, vaccination and protection from other animals. Might be i can not do it properly so i am little afraid to keeping pet at home.

But i have a close association with a dog of my watchman, i take care of his food and he is do loyal you can't imagine honestly. He always followed him and take care of me wherever i am going by walk he always with me.


Its tomy the dog of my watchman but had great love with me

Normally, i went out daily to go to school and its about on 2 km distance he moved with me and waited till the time i reached there, and come back with me, you can say he provided me protection and its his love with me.


Tomy following me and provide me protection till the time i reached to school or came back to hospital.

I think animals loved kindness, and definitely i take care of tomy food and never abuse him, he sats besides to me and its great sign of Allah's blessings on me. Except from tomy i don't have any associated with pets, as its responsibility which i couldn't manage it. But i always addressed people to be merciful with their pets

In the last i would like to invite my dear friends @chiomzy810, @elrazi and @hernalis12 to take part in exciting challenge. Its the Link

All the photographs are my own property, captured with techno pova cell phone.


Thank you friend for the invite. I will be taking part too. I like the fact that you take care of the pets around you.

Hola amiga tienes razón los animales no merecen que los maltratemos, hay personas que cazan animales por obtener un beneficio al vender su piel, esto es algo que debería ser prohibido, también he visto muchos animales en situación de calle esto es triste, porque ellos son seres vivos al igual que nosotros y sufren mucho de maltrato, el tener una mascota en casa es una gran responsabilidad ya que hay que cuidarlos como si fuese un miembro mas de nuestra familia, hay personas que tienen animales y los lanzan a la calle a la buena de dios sin importarles si comen o no, o si alguien los maltrata

You are very right in saying that animals are God's creatures and they are very useful and the fact that they cannot speak does not give us the right to mistreat them.

It is very reprehensible to those who harm animals, because they only react to our actions towards them and if we give them love, they will give us love.

I wish you success in this interesting contest, since I also encouraged myself to participate, because I love animals. Greetings.

Tienes mucha razón al decir que los animales son criaturas de Dios y son muy útiles y por el hecho de que no puedan hablar no nos da derecho a maltratarlos.

Es muy condenable quienes dañan a los animales, porque ellos solo reaccionan a nuestras acciones hacia ellos y si le damos amor, ellos nos darán amor.

Deseo que tegamos exito en este interesante concurso, ya que yo también me animé a participar, ya que amo a los animales. Saludos.


People who keep pets at home should also take care of the animals living outside and do not think bad about the animals living in the streets and alleys because they also have life and want to live with life. But on the contrary, some people don't care about their health. They should be taken to the animal hospital when they get sick. will love and bestow upon us innumerable blessings in return. You have chosen the best post and may you always climb the ladder of advancement....)

Hola amiga, gracias por la invitacion. Ciertamnete los animales son criaturas de Dios y merecen respeto, y aunque no tienes mascota a tu cargo se ve que los quieres mucho..
muchas bendiciones y suerte en el concurso

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