in Colombia-Original2 years ago (edited)

Hi All,

I have been trying to learn how to make a video so I tried and did this video. I did this video in clipchamp video editor to learn how to make a video.

Hi, my sweaty! Let's Go Walk
Do you know I have lost my appetite and sleep ever since I met you in the office for the first time? I wish to convey my love through this message and show my love for you.
Here We Go, Let's Go Walk.

I would like to walk and fill you up with as much as I can with my love, with more ideas, baby. Oh sure, this will give me a perfect opportunity to get to know you better from closer quarters if you and I keep walking in this hilly terrain.

Let's Go Walk

I would like to know from various angles and see where you need more pampering. I hope you know what I mean .

Let's Go Walk

Are you happy now? I know you're not like other girls that need new clothes, shoes, and jewelry, so I will fill give you what you expect from me, my love.

Let's Go Walk

I will love you more that will make you more beautiful. I will do lovely photography for you and with you. I will bring you more flowers from the vally of this hill so you feel happy and smell even more fragrant than you usually do!


I know you feel less happy because I was away for last few weeks, but don’t you worry, honey. I have no intention to go anywhere now, so you have nothing to worry about, but I am ready to spend even more time with you!

Let's Go Walk

I would want to spend more time with you since I am in absolute love with you. I will spend all my time with you.


Let's Go Walk

Don’t you know I spend a lot of my time with you every day complimenting you on writing about your beauty? I know you love it when I come and talk to you.

Let's Go Walk

I always have a fun time in your company, focusing a lot on what topic I should start next, so you remain happy. I know you're a little worried about but worry not; I am here to give you company and keep you happy.

Come on, let’s have a ball! What would you like, salsa or Zaz?
Let's Go Walk
Come on, sweetheart, you know I expect nothing from you, even if it is a very human need, but trust me, my love is pure and greed less, so you can open up to me and feel at ease in my company.

Let's Go Walk

Come on, let’s go out for a walk, so make sure you look your best so people feel jealous of me.

Let's Go Walk
The voice in this video is mine and I have used free stock clips from Pexel and free to use music using YouTube sound track. If any of you is willing to make your own video and edit it please use https://app.clipchamp.com/ it's free to use.

NOTE- I will try to record a video in Spanish, but you will have to promise not to laugh because I will make many mistakes 😄

KIND ATTN: @franyeligonzalez and @josevas217

I hereby invite my friends @emaidoreyin @amoakabraham and @gustyrisk to check and participate in this post

As Always, 15% share for @colombiaoriginal

 2 years ago 

Hola querido amigo, como siempre algo hermoso para nosotros poder leer. Tienes mucho talento en la escritura, siempre disfruto leer lo que escribes, tienes mucha imaginación y creatividad. Está entrada estuvo y esta muy linda. Gracias por la mención.

Saludos y siguen dando lo mejor de ti. Seria bueno ver ese vídeo en español jejeje. :)

 2 years ago 

Gracias por tu visita a este post amiga @franyeligonzalez Gracias por tu apreciación. Te mencioné en este post porque era tu concurso. Sí, definitivamente publicaré un video tan pronto como me sienta seguro acerca de mi pronunciación en español jaja 🎉. Agradezco todo su aliento que recorrerá un largo camino.

 2 years ago 

Jejejeje, tranquilo, pronto aprenderás a manejar mejor el español y disfrutaremos de tus vídeos. Saludos amigo!

 2 years ago 

Hello friend, excellent walk that you present to us, because you walk next to a person you love and that is very important, I will certainly be attentive to your video in Spanish.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much dear @carlir, I would definitely present my next video in Spanish :)

Such a lovely walk. The video looks nice. It will be so interesting to watch your Spanish video.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your appreciation @emaidoreyin, you still have time to participate.

 2 years ago 

hello friend @dove11
Do not stop surprising yourself with your initiatives. I think... rather, I'm sure, and it shows here, that you really enjoy what you do, and you're taking advantage of your time in one of the best ways, "creating".

It is a very nice video that you have created, with a very nice writing. Thank you

 2 years ago 

Thanks @josevas217, I am definitely enjoying my stay at @colombiaoriginal 👍

 2 years ago 

It Is good to know my friend.

Hola @dove11.

Ya que deseas aprender el español, aquí te comparto mi escrito en español amigo, veo que cada vez te superas más como escritor y ahora comenzando en el mundo del diseño de videos, esto es impresionante ver tus avances, espero logres cumplir esa meta que te has propuesto y la meta de hablar español, estaremos esperando tu video en español, y estoy seguro que Franyeli y José te ayudarán.

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 2 years ago 

Thanks amigo @chucho27, I am enjoying and trying to come good at your expectations. I am definitely enjoying my stay with all you learned guys :)

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 2 years ago 

Thank you 👍

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