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RE: "Hablemos de Cuerpos Ajenos"🤐

in Colombia-Originallast month (edited)

Hello friend!!
You have rightly said!!!
Yes we are humans and we do feel insecure about our selves and about some parts of our body .Even i feel insecure about my nose.If i can change one thing it will definately be changing my nose.
But also when I think about surgery plastic surgery I think that it will not only change the pattern of my face ,that pattern which is given to me by God and which is so unique .it will be changed and I will have to inherit some one else nose...
I can show a pic and tell the doctor to change my nose like this or that celebrity or influencer.
Wil my nose remain the same??
It will not and I will be just inheriting some one else nose and copying it .
It can make me look bad as compared to how I used to look before.
Hence ,I know that surgeries isn't my thing and I have to live like this only and then the kep factors come in which is acceptance.
I accept the fact how I am ,my physical appearance and I believe in my self this is who I truly am.
If I can give a guide to some one it will definately be to first love yourself ad believe in your self
If you won't believe in yourself who will then???
Just believe your self and trust the process.
Once you start loving and appreciating your self the world will also love you as you are.
We all have unique functionality ,talent and feature and one shouldn't really find ways to change it.
I had people telling me that I have an ideal nose and with time I'll realise it.I like my eyes but people say to me that I can bigger my eyes with makeup .
Hence the things that satisfies me doesn't really satisfies others and the things that I am not satisfied with , are the ones that satisfies others.
If I can accept my nose why can't you accept your self.
You have nicely explained each and everything in your entry.
Alp the best for the contest.
Success my friend!


I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for visiting me, best regards!

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