#betterlife Colombia-Original Contest: Resilience Manual What I do to by @bongk

in Colombia-Original2 years ago (edited)



Hello Parcera and Parcero, it is a great pleasure writing to you all, I am really pleased to participate in this contest of Resilience organized by @colombiaoriginal. I will be sharing with you the secrets to my self-control so stay tuned and grab whatever you can from this post.

@colombiaoriginal was right when he mentioned this in his post

We are living in complex times, that is undeniable, but despite that we continue to fight, and we must continue like this. For this to happen, it is very possible that each of us has his kind of ritual that allows him to maintain that good mood that we can usually perceive in his writings.
BY @colombiaoriginal

And no doubt about it, though rich or poor, we all fight to maintain our peace of mind in one way or another, that's why my way can be different from yours.

What is resilience?

Resilience is an act of keeping a steady mind and spirit in the presence of adversity, stress, problems and problems. It incorporates different activities that an individual can do to make them keep a steady mind.

So without further ado, these are the things I do to keep my calm in this struggling world of ours and I hope it is helpful to you.

Listening to Music

This especially is done when I am feeling upset, sad or angry about anything situation that happened to me or to a friend.

Eat food

This is usually when I am stressed about a task given to me and I don't find any other way out.
I eat something sweet as this tends to calm me down.

Do yoger

My yoger involves deep breaths, and I practice this when I am angered by someone, in such situations I tend to take control of my emotions by taking deep breaths for 30 seconds.

Talk to myself

Though this may sound odd sometimes, I do it especially when I feel heartbroken, beaten down or regret an action I did or didn't do.
This talk makes me ask myself questions such as why didn't you do it, how could you be so incapable of doing this action, what can I do to make it better.
Finally these are the things that make up my Resilience Manual I hope you can apply it in your own life.

Thanks for reading


Hola @bongk.

Veo que recomiendas varias cosas, el hacer yoga la verdad nunca lo he intentado la verdad, eso debe liberar mucho el estrés y combinado con la música debe liberar por completo el estrés de las personas, gracias por tu participación muy interesante.

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Status Club#Club5050

Thanks sir

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