I take care of my planet, and you?

in Colombia-Original2 years ago

Our Planet

Earth is our beautiful planet. It is a global home of the entire population of humans, animals, and plants. Earth is the only planet where life is possible at present. Our Planet Earth is composed of 71% water and 21% land. This beautiful planet is very important to us to live, but there are a lot of people who unintentionally harm our Planet by doing such things which can be dangerous for our world.

How is our planet in danger?

Our Earth is green and Blue because of water and trees. Water is essential for life, and so is the oxygen we gain from the trees.


  • Water is wasted in a huge quantity every day in every house. People are bringing oceans full of garbage through the toxic wastes from factories, which causes deaths of fishes living there and also humans who drink the polluted water gain a lot of diseases.

  • The trees are being cut down to produce papers and products from them, and people are Ignoring planting trees. The reduction in the number of forests causes problems for the animals and birds who live in the woods, and also the reduction of plants is defective for humans as plants are the source of oxygen.

  • By Using products that use CFCs, and the increase in the pollution has made a layer that resists the radiation from the sun, to go back from the earth, because of that layer. Hence, these radiation are making the earth warm; it is called Global warming.

  • The contact of chlorine and bromine atoms with ozone can destroy it. Ozone is a protective shield around the earth that protects us from UV rays present in the radiation of the sun.

  • If our planet becomes warmer it can disappear glaciers, oceans, rivers, and cause many ecological problems.

How can we take care of our Planet?


  • Reduce the amount of cutting tree trees, as it's essential for making papers and useful products so increase the number of planting, just like planet are in rural areas, likewise planting should be done in cities, more and more parks should be constructed in every town, and every home, school, hospital or any place should have plants placed around it, like gardening. It will also help the people who live in cities to be able to breathe the fresh air.

  • Don't use appliances like AC (Air Conditioner) Refrigerators, which use CFCs (Chloro Fluoro Carbon) in their manufacture, because CFCs can cause global warming.

  • Use Items that can be recycled because it will increase garbage day by day.

  • Reduce the pollution.

How do you save water?


Water is an essential compound in our world. To save water, we should follow these stuff:

Don't waste water in your home, kitchen, and washroom; use nulls of water according to your needs; otherwise, don't let it waste the water.

While having showers, washing clothes or dishes, cars, rooms, and anything, be responsive while using the water.

How can we recycle stuff we throw away?

We should only use the products which can be recycled instead of those which can't be recycled. Some of the producer producersn be recycled are:

  • Glass
  • Paper (Books, magazines, newspaper)
  • Cardboard
  • Metals containers

We should also note the products that can not be recycled, this s; these are made if we have another option that can be used instead of them and is recycling. So products whithatn't be recycled are:

  • Garbage
  • Food Waste (don't waste food)
  • Plastic Wrap
  • Pizza and pastries boxes.

Organic Crops


We should plant organic crops and improve agricultural activities. The lands with rich agricultural possibilities should not be ignored or spaced with buildings or shopping malls. Still, this agriculture is used to produce organic crops, which are essential for life.

All images are taken by @ahmed-abbas

Thanks! @colombiaoriginal

 2 years ago 



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 2 years ago 

Not cutting down trees, not using appliances that contain substances that are harmful to the environment, recycling, saving water and trying to grow organic crops are very good proposals to take care of the planet and guarantee that we do not destroy it. Planet Earth belongs to everyone and we must all take care of it.

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your methods to save water are very intelligent, water is a sensitive issue in the world there are people who do not have water while others waste it, it is important to be aware of the water you waste today you may need it tomorrow, thanks for sharing

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