Steemit Engagement Challenge (week 2): Create your original story | by @adorable-diala

in Colombia-Original2 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians, I am glad to have joined the contest for this week on this community. I will be sharing a story with us here. read on

The story I am about to write is about Josh and Mildred how they met in a coffee shop, became friends, got married, the tragedic ending and a fresh, disappointing and endless search.


If you really want to hear about josh and Mildred. Josh is 29 years old, a college graduate and works with a tech firm in Arlington. He had a beautiful childhood, the last child of his parents amongst four children. He had a wonderful childhood experience as he had whatever he desires.

Mildred was a 24 years old the only child of her late parents who died while she was just 14, she had a little support from friends that saw her through college and she now works a fashion company downtown.

Mildred just walked out of an abusive relationship five months ago, gradually getting over the emotional trauma she had been through and having heart healed and willing to love someone again.

“I can’t remain hurting, I can be happy, I could find another man who will treat me better” Mildred said to herself.
Mildred spent her break hours in a cafeteria where she takes a cup of coffee and snacks during break hour hours at work. She had this favorite spot where she sits and sip her cup of coffee. Shortly Mildred observed a young man(Josh) who comes to spend time at the coffee shop consistently too.

On a col Tuesday afternoon at 12:30pm josh came into the cafeteria and sat right with Mildred on the table. It began with a cute smile and the following conversation ensued:

Josh: Good afternoon, I’m Josh. How are you doing?
Mildred: I am fine Josh. I’m Mildred.
Josh: Its nice meeting you Mildred
Mildred: The pleasure is mine Josh

And on a friendly discussion erupted, Josh introduced himself to Mildred and told her where he works, lives and a few things about him. Mildred did same and gradually the friendship grew.

When Josh showed up she felt nothing but friendship, though Mildred admired the gentle man Josh was, how he always showed interest in her wellbeing. But eight months later Mildred had had some questions to ask herself and possibly answer.

Mildred: is this infatuation? Am I falling in love again? Am I really ready for this now, seeing what my last relationship taught me...

Mildred had all this questions to answer herself. Getting a bit confused Mildred walked into a bookshop, walking around she picked four books on relationships and how to know a man who really loves you. She paid for them and can’t wait to get home and start reading. She read all four books in barely four weeks. She learnt a lot of things and wished to read more meanwhile she and josh always met.

Passion had been developed in Josh on the other end just after a few weeks of meeting Mildred. The passion and obsession gradually eroded his sanity. He wanted Mildred for himself at all cost.

Josh and Mildred ate together, shopped together and had a lot of things in common. But were just friends at this stage, no romantic relationship at this stage. But within both hearts burned passion and obsession. Mildred gradually getting worried, she’s falling in love but fears of her last relationship was all over her. She decided to talk to her friend Sommy. Mildred visited Sommy.

Mildred: Sommy I’ve got a problem. I need your advice.
**Sommy: ** I Thought as much Mildred, the worries are all over your face. I am all ears Mildred
Mildred: I met this Guy (Josh) few months ago, we are bonding well, He seems so nice, He cares so much about me, I feel he loves me…….

Sommy: Wow! Then what’s the problem Mildred?
Mildred: The experiences from my last relationship gets me scared Sommy
Sommy: Oh! Mildred I understand just how you feel. You know I also had two bad relationships before I met Tim. Mildred, you don’t wear experiences like a google, it makes you see everything from a negative perspective.
You guys can Smooch and add a little romance to this relationship and see what happens. Sommy continued….

Mildred: thanks so much Sommy. You’re always a breath of fresh air!

An advice sounds nice and feeds your interest doesn’t make it right…

Mildred left happy and wants to give this a trial. But she waits for Josh to make this official. Josh haven’t officially asked for a dating relationship. How long can I wait without things being defined Mildred asked herself. She came up with a plan. I will fake a relocation due to a transfer from my company and see his reactions.

Mildred: Hi Josh, hope you had a good day today?
Josh: Yeah Mildred, just stressed up a bit. Hope your day was fine too?
Mildred: Not really josh, I got a news from a friend who attended the board meeting today that my name was shortlisted amongst staffs to be transferred to California. And this is urgent, we have to relocate by next week.
Josh (Thinking): what have I done? Why didn’t I make my intentions known earlier? I will might miss the opportunity of getting married to Mildred…
Josh (deep breath): Mildred its fine. Let’s head home its getting late. We will talk about this tomorrow.

Josh could not sleep. He checked his clock and its 11:45 PM, Josh Puts a call across to Mildred. Hello Mildred. I haven’t been able to sleep. Sincerely I really love you but I have been waiting for the right time to say it. Mildred, travelling to California will affect our relationship and my plans on getting married to you negatively. I don’t know what to do now…

Mildred(happy): Josh I feel bad that I will be transferred far away from you. I really do love you and wish to stay back. I will plead with the management to reverse their decision on this but the probability of its success is barely 10%.
Josh: please plead with the management. I will pray about this and I wish your request will be granted.

Josh hung up the call and couldn’t sleep. Mildred had all the night to celebrate, her plans actually played out perfectly she thought. Few days later Mildred informed Josh that her transfer was reversed and joy erupted. Josh finally has a reason to smile after three days of sorrow almost getting to depression..

To flourish and prosper in friendship, relationship and marriage. You must start and build with the right mindset.

Two months down the line Mildred and Josh got married. The passion, fun and excitement was huge. The thrills made josh and Mildred to see each other as they want to each other to be, not as they really are. Mildred was such a wonderful wife who played her role in the family excellently, a lady every responsible guy out there will want to have by his side.
Few months passed and Mildred is confirmed pregnant by the doctor in a hospital downtown. As time went on Mildred and Josh began to fall out of love. The passion, rush and obsession gradually is vanishing away, the emotional Highs of the wedding and honeymoon wore off, reality now stood before their faces. Mildred now needs to beg for attention and care from Josh.

Josh always ditched Mildred for gulf trips and sometimes golf trips with his friends. Being pregnant and often sick was difficult for Mildred to handle. She complained but Josh will always say. “You’ve got food; I’ve paid the bills. It’s just two weeks and I’ll be back Mildred”.

Mildred became worried, confused and had a lot of questions to ask. Where did it go wrong? Did I miss it again this time? And so many questions she couldn’t find answers to. But the fact is, It went wrong even before they started. They just felt right and went on.

On the ninth month of Mildred’s pregnancy Josh wants a golf trip again. Mildred objected seriously

Mildred: Josh you can’t be going for a golf trip, this is the ninth month, I feel sick and need you around…
Josh: I should be back before the expected day Mildred… You know I Love you so much. I Just have to attend this. It’s like the grand finale for this year. I promise I will always call you while away Mildred!
Mildred: Josh Your presence is more needed here.
Josh(angry): Mildred I have to go! Some ladies give birth not having husbands around them. You’re not a kid Mildred, take care of yourself…

Josh walked out and off he went for his trip. Depression sets in. Mildred couldn’t cope. She became weak day by day, having to prepare her food. Do her laundry and other chores with pregnancy and ill health.

Four days after Josh travelled, Mildred felt some sensation in her body at night. But she didn’t know what it was. It was signs of labor, she couldn’t properly decipher since this is her first pregnancy. She felt it was as a result of her ill health. At 2am it became intense as Mildrich couldn’t stand up. Having contraction with pains and weakness. She shouted at the top of her voice but the sound of her voice

could barely cross the wall to alert the neighbors. After wailing for a long time, Mildrich was able to crawl to the door and opened it. She struggled to get the attention of the neighbors in the nearest building but couldn’t. she reached for her phone and called Sommy.

Mildrich(sobbing): Sommy I am in pains it’s a emergency please come over.
Sommy(Scared): Mildrich I will be coming with Tim right away please stay positive
Mildrich: Ok Sommy hasten up.

Sommy lives 20 mins drive away from Mildrich. Tim drove Furiously and arrived just in about 15mins. Seeing Mildrich right in front of the door. Tim rushed and put her into the car and zoomed off to the nearest hospital. Doctors confirmed it was labor, but she mildrich is weak as well as the unborn baby.

A cesarean section was performed but mildrich lost the baby. Josh got a call from Sommy that night and headed home very early the next morning. Josh arrived the scene, hearing he lost his baby and seeing mildrich’s condition it dawn on him how foolish he had been, tears streamed and streak, flee and flow mildrich looking at Josh and tears rolled seemingly uncontrollably. Josh knelt to apologize but Mildrich gave no reply.

A week passed and Mildrich was discharged, heartbroken she came back home. Having planned to relocate without letting anyone know where she will be going to and resolving that love Never existed. Mildrich picked up a few of her important belongings and walked away while Josh went out to get groceries.

Josh couldn’t find a trace of Mildrich. It dawns on him how foolish he had been.
Months passed and Josh felt he could move on. I will start visiting the Cafeteria again during breaks at work. “I might be lucky to find someone like mildrich” he thought.


Nobody is indispensable, but there are people who are irreplaceable. Keep them jealously!

Weeks past, months past and years past Josh couldn’t find true love again. Frustrated by his past, Josh engaged in drinking alcohol, smoking and many more just to feel alright. His company couldn’t keep him working with them because of his alcoholism. Josh life moved on the downward trend and eventually Josh died in a car crash, Investigations proved he was drunk while driving. This is the sad end of a “beautiful beginning”.

If you decide your partner is still the right person for you after the passion ends, you’re on your way to finding true love. It happens gradually and slowly: You'll usually start to feel it after the previous phase of passion and obsession. Your feelings will just continue to grow deeper over the years.

You could take your time, read books, ask for counsel from some friends and still get it wrong in marriage and relation. Always ask God to guide you in making this great choice.

love whether in friendship, relationship and marriage always end with tears.

N|B: The current negative trends in relationships and marriage inspired me. This story is a product of my imagination, all names of characters used aren’t real

thanks for reading through. I invite @bennethade and @Jollybakes to join this contest

 2 years ago 

Hi @adorable-diala
It is not the usual thing to read such long posts, however, in this case, it is very well narrated and becomes entertaining.
The message you let across is telling. Sometimes one thing is the relationship of friends, another is the relationship of a couple or boyfriend and girlfriend and a very different one is marriage, it is something strange, but it usually happens.
What you say I see it as a kind of tragedy where the husband did not give priority to what he should give, and has had a catastrophic result.
Thank you very much for participating in the challenge, welcome to Colombia-original.

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Thanks for patiently reading through and contributing @josevas217
I am so loving the Columbia Community. And I anticipate more contest from here

I hope the Josh is not my Josh 😂😂

Very nice write up here. You're a good story teller.

Josh didn't properly take care of his wife. H should have known better that when it's the first time, a woman should not be expected to handle child delivery like a pro. It's sad they lost the baby. A harsh way to learn to be responsible.

Very interesting story.

Its definitely not your Josh.

a really hard way to learn to be responsible. we have to be intentional about relationships

Hi @adorable-diala this is an amazing story. Though a long read but it is worth it.
"Nobody is indispensable, but there are people who are irreplaceable. Keep them jealously!" I felt this sentence.
I will love to read more post from you. Keep it up my dear friend!!!

thanks for patiently reading through and stopping by to comment dear @concord-leo.
I wait to see your entry on this contest too

Relationships can only blossom when there is mutual understanding, love, and trust from both parties.
The truth is in the relationships of today, both men and women suffer abuse.

My prayer is every spouse that has the similitude of "Jose" in your story should be far from me and my loved one.

Thanks for patiently reading through and dropping your comment on this treatise @jollybake. I also say an amen to your prayers

indeed when love isn't mutual, then the pain and burden becomes unbearable!

Congratulations 🎊

Your post has been upvoted by The PERFECT seven - Arts Team member @eliany using steemcurator04 account, your efforts is appreciated keep making quality art posts, using #art #poetry #writing


thanks @eliany and steemcurator04. i surely will keep posting on this platform

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