Contest alert: my worst photo

in Colombia-Originallast year (edited)

Greetings everyone,



This topic is really funny and interested taking me back to four years ago,

For four years I have stored this picture with no intention of deleting it, at least I can see how ugly I am whenever I barb my hair 🤪, hahaha I don't think I will ever try it again.

I've actually lost the picture I just went to my brothers Facebook page last year and collected that funny picture which always make me laugh when ever I sees it,

This picture was taken four years ago when I barbed my hair.

Last four year ago an Insect called igwu in my dialect but is called hair lice entered our house through one of my sister that mistakenly combed her hair with someone's hair comb,

All my life that was the first time I've seen that,
Ouch it spreads very fast, and at first I didn't know the cure, I tried almost everything I could but to no avail, it even spread to all my siblings,
Seriously I hate that with passion,

That insect sucks blood from the head like it was the one that gave you the blood its sucking and even after sucking the blood it won't allow you to sleep, what an ungrateful creature!!

It resulted that I have to barb my hair that took me Time and alot of effort to train to that height.

Although I was the only one that barbed my hair due to impatient, I couldn't wait for a solution to come,I resulted to the fastest solution that I could think of but my siblings used many other things to cure theirs

Thing like kerosene, medicated shampoo etc.


ugly me when I barb my hair

When I told my family that I was going to barb my hair, they didn't believe me cause they know how much I do care for my hair and they also know that on a normal circumstances I wouldn't dare,
Even when I asked the barber to barb my hair for me, he thought I requested for a low cut or fancy hair style but I told him no,
I want stone cold hair style!!. Meaning I want everything to go down not even a single hair on my head
Then he asked me if I was a widow or if I was going for a burial,
He asked many funny questions and even refused to barb the hair for me but I pleaded with him but never told him why I wanted to barb it,
That day was very funny because all my friends laughed at me, my family members were very surprised and they made jokes of me and that's when my brother took this photo,
Do you know, he even posted it on his Facebook account just to make fun of me

I couldn't get angry, infact I also laughed with them because that was also funny,

that wig on my hair

When the jokes were too much I quickly bought a wig for my self so people won't really get the fun.

But not withstanding my hair grew back to a reasonable length and that's when I discovered the actual thing that kills that insect or should I say parasite.

Infact it was the fastest means of killing the parasite and is tasted and trusted,

The parasite can be easily taken care of with the help ofmethylated spirit
Methylated spirit is used to apply on wounds and Injury.
But I used it to apply on my siblings hair and within five seconds the lice dried up as if it was roasted and you only need to comb it out, every single lice that comes in contact with the methylated spirit including the eggs will be roasted and combed out like a roasted fish.

IMG_20230525_155845_725.jpgmy new hair style

That haircut is something I would never ever try in my life again

"Because I no longer have those pictures on my phone, I took them from my brothers page on Facebook last year"

Thanks for reading my post @adinduglory

I Invite @graceleon @franly @mini80 to participate in this contest I

 last year 

Hi, you may not believe what I'm going to tell you, but, you look like a model.

I have seen several women with the fascinations of your face and your skin color who are professional models and have no hair, they look beautiful.

The itching that lice give is maddening, but the good thing is that you already know that it kills them.

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Hi friends I can't help myself but laugh when you read the side which says I look like a model🤣

Can a model be bald? What an interesting modeler

 last year 

Sin duda ese corte de cabello fue algo extremo pero es entendible que lo hayas hecho, debió ser desesperante tener piojos...

Gracias por no tener miedo de mostrar tu peor foto y gracias por participar en mi concurso.

 last year 

Que bueno que tomaste la situación con buen humor. Ese apoyo de tu familia y amigos fue maravilloso y lo bueno de hacerse esos cortes de cabello es que sabemos que va a crecer.

Que risa con tu barbero qué no dejaba de hacer preguntas.

Gracias por compartir, un saludo.

Hahaha, but that's true,
what if I would never grow back?

My barber asked many questions that I would never forget, never

Thanks for stopping by

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @alejos7ven, member of team #2 at 50%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 29/05/2023


With great joy I truly appreciate
thanks alot

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