What is the Kingdom of God? | Distinctions between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

First of all we must understand that “Kingdom” consists of two key words ‘King’ and ‘domain.’ There are two major kingdoms that is kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the world. One peculiar thing about the two kingdoms is that both are spiritual kingdoms.


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The distinction between the two kingdoms is that the Kingdom of God is a kingdom of “Light” whereas the Kingdom of the world is a kingdom of “darkness”.

The Kingdom of God is a sphere of God’s rule and reign. Man ought to submit to God’s rule and reign because that’s the original purpose as to why God created him. However, due to the sin problem, man fall short of the Glory of God and ended up losing his position. Satan is the god and ruler of this world. The devil took over man’s position on the earth after his fall on the account of sin against God.

Therefore, every human being that is born on this earth is by default born into the kingdom of the world carrying the same seed of Adam. Separated from God; characterized with a lack of conscience for God.

Man requires faith to connect back to the Kingdom of God and that is through believing in Jesus Christ. Man is then born again into the kingdom of God through faith in Christ.

Romans 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Righteousness is the right standing with God; walking in holiness and having a pure heart.

Being at peace with God is being in fellowship or constant communion with God.

Joy is the reward that a man gets after discovering the kingdom.

This Joy is an overwhelming happiness that fills a man’s heart, it’s beyond human comprehension. Words are not enough to express his Joy. It is just supernatural, away from this world.

God’s kingdom is a spiritual reality that is experienced by a man dwelling in it through faith in the finished works of Christ.

This is not a physical place; it is rather born into the heart of a man. He(Man) has to take responsibility of cultivating a personal relationship with God in order for him to enjoy the great blessings it entails.


Without Faith, its impossible to please God indeed

cultivating a personal relationship with God in order for him to enjoy the great blessings it entails.

would also mean obeying the law regardless of the desires of the natural man. Obedience is the key to steady progression. Thank you for this insight, I needed it today.

Amen. Thanks 😊 for your valuable feedback.

Obedience is the key to steady progression.

Yes indeed, Obedience to God releases the Joy of the lord in our hearts which is our strength.


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