Contest:my best holiday in bagangte (10june 2021)-steemit

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

My holidays started on the 18th of December 2020. My elder sister called me to come over so on the 20th I traveled by bus from bamenda to baffusam at 3000frs by that time due to strike in the northwest region transport Fair was very high. I then took a bus from baffusam to bagangte at 800frs. When I arrived at the park I took a bike from there to the house at 150frs. When I reached home I did not see my sister so her children told me she was at the store since I never knew that she had a store her daughter which is 10years old took me to the store which is at the junction not too far from the house.when I arrived there I saw that she had a provision store. So she welcome me and bought some juice for me. Then she went ahead to tell me how people have borrowed and they are refusing to pay then she told me that I will be selling with her in the store but she will not be there most of the times. On the 23th I plated transplant and it was very painful. So we did our laundry on the 24th in the morning then my sister's husband who is a farmer came back after spending a week in the farm. He was happy to see me and he brought some watermelon for me, that evening my sister bought her three children's dresses and shoes, and what we were to cook on the next day. On the 25th of December everyone was happy, I did all the cooking of that day. While my sister dressed the children for mass that morning at 7:00am, the children went to church with the neighbors since their mother and I was busy. The mass ended at 10:00am but then I had finished with the rice and tomato soup ,salad and porash yams. So as they arrived home the table was already saved they sat, eat and went visiting.

Children plus neighbor


Damaris and i
Pictures from my phone

My sister's husband friends came around and ate with some neighbors, by evening the children were back we took some pictures,danced since it was their day. On the 26th we woke up at 9:00am due to the tiredness of the previous day. I then went and open the shop cleaned it and sold the hold day, by evening at 8:00pm I closed the shop and got back home. On 27th since I was to travel back to bamenda I bought my school thing since things were very expensive in bamenda by then. So I left on the 27th at 8:00am arrived baffusam then took a bus back to bamenda. Due to the manner in which my sister and the husband welcomed me I hope to go back there during the summer holidays.


Wow, u had a nice time

Is good to be in the midst of children, they are funny

Nice post, that is a long holiday

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