My favourite love story @taiworeuben

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Hello my fellow steemit, welcome to my entery on this beautiful task by @belenguerra & @fendit to share with you my favourite love story.

What more story will be more interesting to share than my own personal experience? None at all. I'm very sure that you will agree with me on this on.

The story

I never thought I could fall in love. Don't get me wrong, I do believe love. Love is one of the most beautiful thing in human lives. Mother's love, love for the nature, love for your community, love for money, love for family and friends and so on. Life literally is founded on love. The love of good or bad automatic determine the kind of person are. Whether good or bad.

However, it takes one God's grace and blessings to find that person who shares intimate connection with you. Someone who shows you how much they love you just as much as you do. In a life where alot of people have chosen to find happiness in money, cars, houses and luxury in general, it is difficult to find someone dedicated in love.

The love of my life.

At a really young age we found one another . I was 20 years of age at the time and she was 17 years of age. Growing up, I have always imagined the physical features of my woman when I get to have one. But growing older, we were meant to believe life doesn't give you what you fantisized about. Rather, life presents a harsh reality. In my case it wasn't so. She was the perfect definition of beauty. Her beautiful curves,cute face, perfect height, graceful pois, and everything about her can make any man loose his balance. Any man I mean it. Whether young or old.


For three years now, our love for each other keeps growing and maturing. The way we say sorry to each other is beautiful. We are not perfect at all. Some times we hurt each other. But none can deny the fact that we love each other so much. Life has thrown so much at us but we overcame together. That's how powerful love can be when it's sincere and destined. She is my strength.


The feeling of being loved is second to none. Knowing that there's someone in this life who chose and will choose over many other people, can make one feel on top of the world. Well, that's exactly how I feel at the moment. I call her my Sunshine. Because she lightens my world.

As a musical artiste and a graphic designer, she is my source of inspiration. I have a track dedicated to her. Click this link

Love is gorgeous and that i hope you discover yours.

 3 years ago 

Nice love story. It needs a second pair of eyes to look at it though, doesn't it?

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