Rainbow- Chapter 5/5 & Epilogue

(The world hasn't changed much in these 2 years since todd shunt it off.)
(The same can't be said for todd. His other half that he has lost is all grown back now. He looks like his old self again.)
(There is some sound of chit-chatting around todd. It has never happened before to Todd.)
(Stuck between his curiosity and his grudge. He bends towards curiosity and to learn more.)
(He couldn't believe his eyes to what he was seeing.)
H-How could this happen?
(The mountain that was once barren is now filled with various small plants across all over the mountain)
Why are there so many of me? Where they came from?
("They came from your offerings" the mountain replied.)
My offerings!!
("Yes" the mountain continued "I accepted your offerings. And since I used to be a volcano millions of years ago, I am very fertile now. So I planted your offerings and provide them all the essentials like I do to you, and after 2 years here they are.")
I see.
(Todd noticed that his other half has grown back and he looks like he used to before that experiment.)
(After some thinking todd asked the mountain)
What if I can give more of my offerings? What is gonna happen then?
("There will be more life. That's all I know." the mountain replied)
I am gonna do it. I am going to give more and more and produce life as much as I can and will tell others to do the same.
(Todd has grown up a bit in these 2 years. He now knows the value of giving.)
(Todd uprooted himself again and move downwards the mountain. While doing this he continually left his leaves, branches, roots and whatever he can.)
(He then again climbs another mountain and continually keep giving his offerings, while keeping himself alive by having enough leaves, branches, etc.)
(After giving his offerings to almost hundreds of mountains. He feels strange inside.)
I remember this feeling. This is what I felt when I saw that Rainbow years ago. This is amazing.
I didn't know that I could ever feel this way until I became a Rainbow. I am… I am … I am so HAPPY!!!
(Without even realizing todd came to the point from where he has started his journey)
I am back. So I guess the rainbow land never existed in the first place. This whole world is round.
What it seems to give me happiness, the rainbow land is just a mere illusion.
I still feel so great and happy in spite of that. Maybe this is what that voice meant when it said:
"BE HAPPY". It's beautiful.
(Todd rooted himself in his home position. He fell asleep shortly after that.)
("You are happy now." that voice again talked to todd in his dream.)
Yes, I am.
But what am I doing floating in the air and what my body is doing down there? Why it isn't with me?
Am I dead?
("No, You have become infinite now. You are boundless." the voice replied and continued "look, up".)
It's the sky.
("Yes, and you have now become one." with this the voice disappeared.)
(Todd thinks back about all the things that have happened with him)
If I never felt happy, then I would never have become a rainbow.
If I never gave any offerings, I would never have become happy.
If I never realized the truth about rainbow land, I would never have realized the power of giving.
I now see. Everything is connected. Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for that dream. Everything happens by that higher intelligence.
Everything is important and necessary.
(Todd has uncovered the secret.)
I Am… Infinite. I am… unlimited. I am… a tree. I am… everything. I am… nothing…

The once barren planet now has all kinds of lives. The planet has become very beautiful.
The rain has started. And it is more often now.
There are rivers, lakes, ponds, and seas.
There is an atmosphere now. The planet has become habitable for all kinds of creatures.
Plants have found a way of living inside the water, on the surface of the water, and many more places.
The planet has become more lively. More new and different kinds of creatures other than plants and trees are evolving.
A nature cycle is evolving.
Rainbows are more often now.

Thank You so much for reading this to the end and giving so much of your time. I really do appreciate it. If you think my work in any way was worth your time, then please SHARE it. I would be really grateful…

 3 years ago 

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