The 10 Greatest Films Of The New Millennium Should Every Movie Lover Have Seen.

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


In this list we will learn about the top 10 films that have a timeless imprint and have been very uniquely distinguished by the fact that they have made them absolutely memorable during the new millennium, but before we enter into this list of films, we must set a time frame for the term the new millennium, which is also said to be the third millennium, which stretches from 2001 to 3000 or from the 21st century to the 30th century. Here's the top 10 films from the new millennium, which we believe are cinematic works that will remain immortal in the memory of cinema until at least the end of the 30th century.

  1. Training Day (2001)


Training Day is one of the best crime films of recent years, and one of the greatest films of the great actor Denzel Washington. With a simple story and plot of events that were a series and a court, but with a fabulous performance by Denzel Washington will leave you with his mark without a doubt, and then add to him the performance of the actor Ethan Hawkeye, who was then in his beginnings but also was amazing, to finally get a drama crime film that is not forgotten at all.
His story revolves around a junior investigative officer who spends his first day as a police officer tracking drug dealers in Los Angeles, but under the leadership of another more professional, experienced, and ethno-skilled investigator who has yet to show his true

  1. Inception (2010)


The 2010 film, which outlined limits that are difficult to overcome by any other film in terms of the plot of events, the originality of the idea, and how difficult it is to understand its in-depth mysteries than the film shows. A science fiction film that has made the viewer wonder about it from all sides to the extent that it has been years and still discusses to this day and discovers new theories and explanations about the reality of the end of the film: is it a reality or a dream?
His story is hard to explain, it's not the usual consuming stories in the film medium, where it revolves around a professional thief named Dom Cobb, the best of all in the art of dangerous ideas, stealing crucial secrets from the depths of the subconscious when a man is asleep, when the mind is defenseless.
Cobb's rare ability made him a special and desirable player in a new world left full of espionage, but also made him an internationally wanted criminal and cost him everything he loved in his life. Now cobb has offered a chance for salvation, a final task that may bring him back to life but only if he can accomplish the task of sowing impossible ideas.

3rd Oldboy (2003)


South Korean cinema has always been full of great talent and cinematic icons, but in 2003 there was an oldboy that surpassed the term icon, but it was a film with an idea that no one had ever seen before, an idea that would leave you with an impression and influence beyond the usual. A movie that may bring you sadness, or sorrow, or it may make you rethink the issue of trust in people... And many of the themes that this Korean film will leave with you to reflect on. A unique film, great and one of the best icons of world cinema.
His story is apparently very simple: a man who has been kidnapped and imprisoned for 15 years, is released and finds himself in front of only five days to find this person who captured him and to find out

  1. The Departed (2006)


Great film director Martin Scorsese's films are many, most of them considered cinematic icons, but his 2006 film The Departed was a cinematic masterpiece in the crime and suspense category. A film that combined the performanceof actors beyond the magnificence, and a story with a spy-based drama that interests even the viewer who doesn't like crime movies. The best example can be shot on a great crime movie.

The composition of his events revolves in South Boston, where gangster Frank Costello succeeds in planting a spy for him named Colin Sullivan in the police force, and at the same time the state police do a similar job and succeed in pushing him to include one of its members "Billy" to his gang, but as the two juveniles realize the matter and race to reveal each other's identities, knowing that who will be revealed first will inevitably end.

  1. Interstellar (2014)


The space drama of the creator Christopher Nolan that gave us the universe and space from a different and epic point of view in this professional category. A film that many people love, even those who don't tend to breath-taking space movies, and although some may disagree with the fact that many of the things and ideas that came up in the story, the footprint and the impact it leaves in the viewer only makes you say it is a film that is absolutely unforgettable.
The story of the film revolves around the idea that humans have overexploited the earth's resources to the point where they are dying and no longer able to save life, so they become covered with sand and

dust... The solution, therefore, is to create another world that can provide for life by traveling into space to the interstellar and searching for another planet capable of providing the basics of life and transporting human beings to it.

  1. The Day After Tomorrow (2004)


A sci-fi film whose story is suspenseful and exciting, but it's even more than its main idea, which, although it's in a fantasy setting, remains a possibility that can happen at any time. The idea of the disappearance of life from the face of the Earth by the climatic effects that became shaded by the actions of man harmful to the planet. An amazing, unique idea, quick and breathtaking events have made The Day After Tomorrow an easy-to-forget cinematic work.
Precisely, it's about a climate world that will have to take a perilous journey from Washington to New York City to reach his son, who is stuck there because of a sudden storm that has hit the entire world and plunged the planet into a new ice-breaking

  1. Up (2009)


Animation has always been a different fantasy world from the rest of the film business, and its splendor lies in the unique and wonderful stories it tells us, adding visual effects and the amazing artistic way in which it serves these animes. Pixar and Disney have always been the two most professional production companies in this professional category, so the 2009 animation up was the best animated production they've ever made, despite the presence of other great anime films as well. Up was more marked by his great, moving and exciting story, manifested by love, human feelings and a passion for life, so it was an unforgettable cinematic work that deserves to be the best animation film ever.

His wonderful events revolve around old Carl Fredrickson, who lost his passion for life after the death of his wife and decided to move away from his home and his memories traveling by helium balloons to South America, but he discovers after taking off the house that someone shares the journey, where the boy scout "Russell" joined the angry old man to begin the exciting adventure events.

  1. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)


Now we turn to the spy and action movies with the third part of agent Bourne's famous film series, where the third part is considered the best in the international intelligence and espionage films. A film that carries a huge amount of suspense and excitement makes you watch out for events from start to finish. A film that needs to be watched in its first two parts and then watched to take root in memory of the best movies in the category of action and chases and among the best in assassination movies, espionage and intelligence.

His story continues after earlier parts of the escape of former CIA agent Jason Bourne, who wanted to introduce him to a government assassination program as a commanding and executing soldier, but his adventure will reveal to him malicious secrets about his unremembered past and those he worked for.

  1. Gladiator (2000)


Gladiator or Swordsman is one of the best films made by the great director Ridley Scott in his film career. An epic drama that presented one of the best-ever moving cinematic stories that combined many existential terms and themes such as honor, hope, patience and slavery, inspired by Daniel B. Mannix's "Those On the Verge of Death, formerly known as The Way of the Gladiator."

The story revolves around a Romanian general performed by the actor Russell Crowe, who is betrayed by the king's son by the performance of the actor Joaquin Phoenix because of the verdict, his son and wife are killed, forced to escape away and live an adventure full of slavery and sorrow, but he did not forget who took away the life of his family to return even after a while to return to Rome as a wrestler in search of revenge.

  1. Avatar (2009)


Avatar remains an action-only sci-fi film without a deep story with great dimensions, so some may be surprised by its presence on this list, but when it was released in 2009 it was the film work that created the event. The film, which introduced 3D viewing technology to the world of cinema, was the thrill and excitement of the film, as well as the drama that gave the story meaning away from action and combat. This is without talking about those visual effects that were at the time a revolutionary thing in the film industry, and then the soundtrack that came as a fitting and epic complement to events.
Although I said in the first place that the story of the film is not that deep, I may be wrong, others see it as discussing a very important idea, the idea of settling people into the land of other people and trying to expel them from it without right, and the latter trying to resist them with all their
might. Precisely, it revolves around a half-paralyzed Marine who is sent to a planet named Pandora on a special mission, finding himself in a position of confusion between following the orders he came for or protecting the world he now feels belongs to and considers him his home.

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