A day as created for enjoyment!

I woke up and saw a beautiful sunny day through the window, I immediately decided to dedicate the whole day to my German Shepherd.


I had a quick breakfast, got ready, and went for a walk with my dog. Both my dog ​​and I were overjoyed because we will spend the whole day alone and together in beautiful weather.


We set off and even then the enjoyment started without any obligations. I was only dedicated to my dog. First when we got to the park we were running around the park.


Of course there was also throwing the ball and chasing the ball. It was a beautiful enjoyment and socializing. We sat down to rest, but when you have a German Shepherd, such a vacation does not exist. We were already hugging and rolling on the ground, everyone was looking at us very strangely, and they thought we were not normal. But you can't be normal when you have a spa that you adore!


I have a crazy dog, that's why I adore him. I just can't explain how much love there is between me and my dog, it's something beautiful and indescribable. Only the one who has his pet can understand that indescribable love ...


We came across a lot of other dogs in the park and of course that's where the game starts right away, and the fun between two or more dogs. There was a lot of rushing, wrestling was ridiculous. I love when my dog ​​enjoys it and when he has fun.


The sunset started and we headed home, we were very tired and tired. But I was full of beautiful impressions, and I think that my pasha was full of beautiful impressions today. I would like every day to pass like this in socializing, fun and merriment.

by: Stimburgarin


Muy buena que le dediques tiempo a tu amigo, cada cosa necesita su tiempo @stimburgarin

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