New Contest: Your Perfect Match | My God's Greatest Gift

I would like to say thank you in advance to the to the admin and MOD of @writingnreviews community, to @belenguerra and @fendit for this wonderful contest. This is very exciting especially me being proud of my perfect match, who has been my best friend, confidant, food and travel buddy, encourager, my conscience, my lover, and now my wife.


My wife Lorna @georgie84 is truly amazing, she is God's greatest gift to me. She compliments me even in a smallest thing I do for her, for us, or for others...she always make me feel valued. The day I met her in Chiang Mai I already thought of how wonderful woman she is. She works hard not just for herself but also for her family and that makes me like her at the beginning, her selfless love towards family.

While on the process of knowing her from a long distance, I was very interested to know more about her even though she has to return to Philippines soon as we first met. We texted a lot back and forth and found her she likes me too and that encourages me to visit her in the Philippines for the first time.

My First Visit in the Philippines

Before I booked my flight to visit her, I asked her what's the best time and that I could not interrupt her work and important matters when I come. She advised me to visit October of 2017. She took a leave from work for a week just to accommodate me and introduce me to the place where she grew up. She met me at the airport when I arrived and went to a nice restaurant with famous roasted whole pig they call lechon and the next day we went to her friend's wedding where she was the maid of honor.


Even though we don't know each other well that time but she took care of me even how busy she was. She had asked her friends to look after me and be my companion while she's busy at the wedding. That's one of the first times I felt her sincerity. Meeting and having conversations with her friends also helps me know him more. After that day, we visited tourist spots in her place and they all look wonderful.

My Favorite Travel and Food Buddy


Being single for long time, I haven't realized that I have been longing for someone whom I can be with constantly having the same interest as mine and willing to join me even in boring times. Aside from loving the trips, she also loves food and all about foods. She is not into materialistic one but she loves making her family and I enjoy and experienced good things in life.

She also introduces me to her neighborhood where I have seen most of them smiles often, worry less, and live life one day at a time which I thought a kind of stress free move with all the difficulties have had occurred. She and her family live in a neighborhood where they get close to and most of them are from a low income family and that makes me love her more because of her and her family's generosity to share whatever is needed by someone around them. Just very willing to help individuals.


My Encourager

She is a strong woman who's wisdom is one of a kind. She is matured and understanding. Most of the times when life gets complicated she always have a time to pray and remembers that God has a purpose of things happened. She is one of a kind. Her family usually confine what's the necessary steps or decisions to do when it involves in family matter or even personal. Though she's the youngest be she is trusted.

She is always an encourager. She does not pull someone down by words but instead push them up. She is my greatest friend, who encourages me when I am so down or wandered about decisions to make. She makes me realized things that I am blinded with and she prayed with me often when things really go rough. Her funny personality also brighten up my day.


My Wife


The day she said I do and we both made a vow in front of God and the people was the day I had the best answered prayer. Our first half year of marriage was not as good as today because after a day of our wedding, we were separated due to covid-19 pandemic and we have waited like almost 5 months before being back together. That separation has tested a lot of our faith and trust to each other especially to God that there's a rainbow after that storm. Waiting every day was very difficult but we both try to make it easier for us.


We survived through video calls, texting, and praying together before we both go to bed at night. She made me strong by making her self stronger away from me and her family. We both believed that God will pour His blessings on us in His perfect time. So when we were able to be together after separation, we are blessed to have a baby soon. She got pregnant and that both makes us very happy including our family and friends.


She was on bed rest in her first trimester which was difficult for both of us because her activities was limited and that means she could not go out in the house unless important matter and also means I have to go out by myself to ran errands and grocery shopping. She made and is making a lot of sacrifices for me and our baby and that makes me feel how blessed I am. Now she is on her 28 weeks and few more weeks and we will see our little Evangeline.

Everything about her makes her special but it takes two people to create a magical relationship together and that is why I am doing my best every day to be a good help and support in every single way.

Thank you @belenguerra, @writingnreviews & @fendit for the initiative and hard work in this community and platform in helping us to be more productive and creative. Also I wanna send my warm gratitude to @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 for the full support you have given to those hard working writers/steemians and the encouragement you gave us every time you give upvotes and comments.

Keep the Love Alive!




Salamat @steemcurator01 for the support and encouragement. May the love, health, and wealth be upon you and the rest of the steem curators and supporters! 😊

 4 years ago 

Your story is like something out of a movie!! What a beautiful couple and what a beautiful thing you have created together.

Having known each other from a distance and falling in love is very sweet!!

Thanks for sharing, dear friend! Very beautiful story and I already believe it is your perfect partner!

Greetings from Argentina!!

I am glad that our love story could encourage people and won't give up on their dreams to find someone perfectly made for them as long as they will keep their faith and always pray. Thank you @belenguerra

 4 years ago 

You are welcome, my friend!! Thanks to you for sharing!!

 4 years ago (edited)

Nice count and good turnout!
Successes for you,

I following your username...

Que bella historia! Dios los mantenga unidos siempre y permita a tu bebe nacer sana y feliz! me encanto tu historia! Que viva el amor!!!!😊💖

Thank you very much and we are happy to inspire people through our story... 😊

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