in Writing & Reviews4 years ago (edited)


Hello steemians I great you all in the name of your creator and desire your day went well, this is actually a wonderful contest that you wouldn't want to miss by @belenguerra in writing about an inspiring woman.
For me, an inspiring woman is simply a woman who can fill someone with the desire or urge to do something worthwhile. Something that creates a better world and change the planet at large.




The name of the woman I will be talking about is Mrs Eneawan Umoh, she is my mum and really an inspiring woman that is why I was moved to choose and talk about her, This woman you see up here is a woman of virtou she is a midwife in teaching hospital Calabar, she is actually a good,nice, well behaved, beautiful and a woman that love other women not minding their background.Before she started, she got inspiring by a woman who was a midwife too in London called Mrs Rita,And since then she decided to dive into being a midwife to inspire and help other people too, she thought of what to do for women and set up a free class to teach pregnant women to know more about pregnancy to avoid complication on the line and also provided all the apparatus needed to make them understand and also made delivery available to all those that came to the class, she did not stop their she also help gave guidelines to youth who got inspired by here work in the society to also reach her level of midwifing and as God knows her mind so many got inspired and are well trained midwife and also helping other too,this good work she has been doing did not only make me love her but I always pray and ask God to keep her for the society, she love giving people cause she always say that giver never lack and it has been working for her and most of her co-colleagues are not happy with her due to the way she donate to those who don't have to inspire them those that can't give to learn that giving really has a blessing.
I am not rating her 5 star🌟 because she is my mother but I have seen with my eyes how inspiring her work and dedication has been to people and it has also made them know that human being are actually different. Special thanks to @belenguerra,@writingnreviews & @fendit for the wonderful contest and also to the following personalities
For their mentorship


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