Lessons From Ants

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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Maybe we should teach children a simple but powerful concept, namely the philosophy of the ant. We may also have to learn from the ants. Ants are intelligent insects, insects that have a high family spirit, insects that have greatness that amazes us.

Have you ever thought that life is like an ant? Make sure in your mind ants are disgusting, ants make allergies or ants just make the house dirty. But there is one side of the life of ants that we must imitate.

Ants never stop. This is a good philosophy. If they're on their way somewhere and we try to stop them, they'll find another way. They will climb. Maybe they'll break through the bottom. Or they will climb around it. What is clear, they will continue to look for other ways. This first philosophy teaches us to never stop looking for ways to achieve our goals.

Ants always work together to get great power. Unity provides greater strength in the face of every obstacle that exists. To become a nation that is strong and not divided, lessons from ants need to be practiced in everyday life. The attitude of unity and oneness can keep us from weakness.

Every day the ants always work to collect food and store it in the barn. The scorching sun and heavy rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the ants to gather food. With great difficulty, the ants work hard to bring food and then collect it and store it in the barn of its house. What will happen if the ants do not collect food at harvest time? Then they will not get enough food in the coming season. Ants work hard and know no time. In fact, when the harvest season arrives, they should be able to have fun without having to think about the upcoming season.

Although laziness is a natural attitude experienced by every human being, it has the potential to damage our future. So that you are lazy not to say hello, you can start by getting used to focusing on one thing at work or doing several things that can make your mind unsaturated.

And do you know the number of ants in the world is more than 700 million and it is proven compared to humans. Just imagine if ants produce millions of eggs, so many siblings, you would think that ants often fight with each other but on the contrary they live in harmony, help each other and even their lives are very disciplined, obeying all existing rules. And why can't we contemplate life like ants. If our lives in this world were like ants to help each other, understand, respect each other, there would be no such thing as war between brothers and each other. And from now on try LIVING LIKE ANTS.

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