Contest Entry For- 🙏🙏 TELL US ABOUT YOUR RELIGION🙌🙌 || I'm A Proud MUSLIM, Islam Enlighten My Life

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Assalau_Alaikum_wa_rahmatullah (Peace be upon you-Greetings),

This is the was we greet to each other. Islam is my religion and I'm blessed that I born in a Muslim family and they helped me to recognize my Almighty God Allah Subhan'Allah Ta'ala. Allah is only God and he is the creator of us. We are the followers of the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam. He helped us to know Islam correctly via the Holy Book Al-Quran.
Learn more about my religion Islam Here: Details About Islam
Learn more about The holy book Al-Quran here: The Al-Quran
Learn more about our prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam here: Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam

Image Source: Pixabay

In this blog I'm going to share how Islam connected to my life and what I feel about my religion in details. I'm not going to discuss about the history of my religion because I've already connected links that will help you to learn about Islamic history and if you want to learn more then I would love to invite you to read our holy book "Al-Quran" and there you can acknowledge more as we believe the book is a source of knowledge and a complete guideline for human life.

I believe in my Almighty Allah and I pray five times a day regularly and it bring peace of my mind. I try not to quit prayers as I love to do it. This five times prayer is call Salah

Image Source: Pixabay

Islam is based on five pillars and those are:

  1. Kalima
  2. Salah (Namaz)
  3. The fast (sawm) : During The month of Ramadan
  4. Hajj
  5. Zakat

I've already talked about salah as it known as praying five times a day and we can says extra prayers which call Nafal salah and this salah only to please our Almighty Allah. Male says salah inside the mosque and female says their prayers at home.

The first pillar of Islam is Kalima and this is a sentence-
"لا إله إلا الله، محمدا رسول الله"
Pronunciation of it: La ilaha illallah , MUHAMMADAR RASULULLAH (sw)
Meaning of the sentence: I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and we have to believe it from our soul and heart. Internally and externally we have to express our believes till the end of our life. We will be blessed with Jannah (Jannat/heaven) in the permanent life after death.

If we do not follow the rules of Islam and follow the holy book Al-Quran or do not follow our prophet we can be thrown to the Jahannam (Hell) after that permanent life. (May Allah bless us with mercy)

Image Source Pixabay: Makkah or Kaba Sharif

Ramadan is a Arabic month when we keep fast to practice good human being and the loyal servant of our Almighty Allah. 30 days we need to continue this and after completing this we celebrate Eid al-Fitr

Hajj is also a kind of prayer and if we have ability then we can go for it. We need to visit Kaba Sharif in Makkah to complete the prayer process.

Zakat is a known as donating to the poor. Rich Muslims donate a small part of their wealth to the poor people to please Allah Subhan'Allah Ta'ala and this was there build a nice bonding between rich and poor.

One blog is not enough to explain the complete Islam. I've tried to attach some thinks with this blog that may help you to acknowledge more about my beloved religion ISLAM.

Thank You So Much For Reading


Thank you @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 for your constant support :)
Thank you so much dear @belenguerra, @writingnreviews & @fendit for this contest and also for the friendly support💕
Best regards!!
©@Shohana1 2021
All right reserved

 3 years ago 

Congrats on being one of the winners of this week!! :)

We're glad to have you in our community!

congratulations ♡ ♥💕❤😘

Thanks a lot dear ❤️

I am proud to be a Muslim

Alhamdulillah (praise to be Allah) !!! Thank you sir @steemcurator01 you made My Day!!!

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