in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Good morning @belenguerra & @fendit!

Hi everyone, in this contest I`d like to describe a favourite literary character of mine named VIKTOR KRUM.


Viktor Krum is a fictional character created by JKRowling for her Harry Potter series. Hes a wizard from my native Bulgaria (heres his name in Bulgarian Виктор Крум) and having in mind he was born in 1976 he must be my age.

I believe Rowling created the name after the real Bulgarian ruler called Khan Krum the Fearsome famous for bringing law and order to Bulgaria and defeating Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros I in 811 AD. It is said that after his victory Khan Krum had the Emperor's skull lined with silver and used it as a drinking cup. I`m not sure about the drinking cup, but Nikephoros was one of the few emperors who were killed in battle.

So Viktor Krum could mean Krum the Victorious, a man who defeats his enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition.

According to Rowling Viktor Krum attended the Durmstrang Institute, and was also the Seeker for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team at the age of eighteen while still at school.


He has the following abilities:

Flying: Viktor was a skilled flyer and played Seeker for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team He was one of the best seekers in the world, despite his young age /17/.

Transfiguration: Viktor was also skilled in the field of transfiguration. He transfigured himself into a shark during the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament

Dark Arts: At Durmstrang, he learned how to use dark magic

Duelling: Viktor Krum was an accomplished duellist. He boldly claimed that, if it would not disturb Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding, he would duel Xenophilius Lovegood for wearing Gellert Grindelwald's symbol.

Bilingualism: Victor was able to speak fluent English alongside his native Bulgarian

I like this character because hes from my native country Bulgaria hes an incredibly skilled flyer one of the best seekers in the world, despite his young age. Transfiguration: Viktor was shown to be reasonably skilled in the field of transfiguration.

The actor who played Viktor`s role was also a Bulgarian - Stanislav Ianevski


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