Love is the name of understanding and compassion !!

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Greeetings to you all steemians 🤗 i hope you are doing well and your lives are going happy and your relationships are doing great. As you have seen the heading , today we will be discussing two very important factors of love that are Understanding and Compassion . i decided to make a post on it because I've seen many people lacking these factors in their relationship and the end up destroying it .


Understanding :-

There is a very common saying ;

If you always have to give an explaination of everything you do, then your relationship is just like a weak string.

The message behind this saying is actually the the importance of understanding and trust between a couple and it is said that if you always feel like answerable to your partner and you always have to give reason for any action in your daily life then there is must something missing in your relationship and you should be work on strengthening it.
The understanding is basically a natural desire and when you are in in a relationship the understanding becomes the most basic element because while being in a relationship you just give everything and every moment in your life to your partner but even after that the relationship would become meaningless if you don't have understanding because to link the the thinking mentality and the way of looking at things and the way of tackling the matters all these elements should be linked between the partners and to link these intangible elements there is only one thing that can connect them and that thing is understanding yes my friend only understanding can act like that sewing machine which would attach the the mental levels of you both and would convert it it into a beautiful life just like a beautiful cloth along with flowers on it.
I have heard people saying that they often lose the the element of understanding with the passage of time when their relationship becomes old I would like to you give some tips to resolve this problem. The first thing that is responsible for removing this element from your relationship is of loss of of attention and trust among them. Open couples start hiding things and they try to to sneak into the matters of their partner that he or she I don't want to expose and it's totally ok because everybody e has a right to keep his secrets and you should obey this thing because trust is like a first brick you put in to build a stronger wall all of relationship and the other things would go well buy them own.

Compassion ;

Compassion doesn't only mean sympathy and a soft heart for your partner but it is much more it is more like supporting your partner in the worst time and providing your shoulder to him/her and making your partner believe that you would never end supporting her.


For a moment just think that whenever you are sad are you feel alone then what is the thing that you want most in that time ???
Actually I know your answer and your answer would be , someone to hear our problem and to console us and to make us believe that this time shall too pass and we need someone who say that "you are not alone in it" 🥺.
Believe me just these few sentences that I mentioned above eliminates more than 50% stress and tension of that matter and we start feeling better and the same thing goes with relationships. In hard times for your partner all you have to do is giving your support and wiping the tears of your partner. This thing would not only e help your partner to get over the the difficult time but it would give a magical strength do you relationship and you would feel much more closer to the partner than ever and things in life would seem to be pretty easy for you.💫🤞



Thanks for reading my post.May God bless you and best of luck for your relationships.

  • I specifically want to mention @fendit and @belenguerra for their support and appreciation ❤️❤️

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 3 years ago 

Beautiful post my friend!! Thank you very much for sharing it here!

 3 years ago 

Thnks 🌻❤️

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