in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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I try not to be arrogant
God hates arrogance
And in my situation I trembled with pride
Because you didn't create the situation.

It may be easy to get praise from people in
my weak heart to count and be humble
Is that God's will?
I think

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Other than that I'm a
little more patient than others.
I believe in doing well.

At least from others
I can't do what I want to live
Even if I can't go where I want
Because I live like that
I just found out

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But that's not The
kind of patience I do is
Instead of 'waiting for the good'
That almost lasts

It will be in the waiting
tears sigh hate disappointed
Even bits of darkness

Because there are moments of perfection in life that come
And those moments that come together
make great growth realise

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I am no exception
God is a human vessel
whatever size
you use it for your purposes

God is a potter
Knows how to cut clothes to fit
He is also a tailor juga

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Source: The
podium of my life
and its corresponding endurance
He is the one who gives

I'm patient in front of him
don't be shy
It's hard when it's hard
Let's be honest

Instead, this process is
what God wants you to do
form me to achieve
Let's live as a process

Holy from a thousand burnt offerings
Is it because of the prayer of patience?


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