From Dust... to Dust...

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Have you ever lost a loved one...?
Have you watched a cereus blossom, only to see her die at dawn...?

This is a poem that came to mind last night, when the wife came across the news of the death of someone she'd known from childhood.
She saw the pictures of a once healthy woman, who had shrunk both in size and life, till she could hold on no longer...

It was not the type of news I wanted to hear, but it brought these words to mind. And I picked up my pen afterwards...
I am not sure if I should bid you enjoy...



I watched the seemingly endless grains of sand,
I watched them fall, slowly off each dirt-filled hand..
I heard the prayers, though I couldn't say them,
Still I felt the words, and the muttered "amen"...

I thought of all the years that had gone past,
I thought of her smile, her quiet little laugh..
I thought of her hurt, and all of her pain,
I thought of the fact I won't be seeing all that again...

But as I watched the endless dusts take flight,
I took solace in knowing she led a full life..
And even though these prayers, I couldn't say them,
Still I felt the words, and so I muttered "amen"...

For even though Mama had died...
She still lived in those she had left behind...



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