in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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This series is a realistic parenting guide based on existential psychology.

Education is about giving.

So, what should be said?

What should this article say to many parents, and what should they say to their children?

We have to say this.

"You must not exist," he said, and had to convey an unprecedented understanding that could break the fundamental curse that hangs on all humanity.

In this way, the fact of existence itself, only that fact, must convey the realization of existence that the reality in which one is loved will develop.

Words of self-love have echoed too much in the world. But people don't know how to love themselves. In the name of loving yourself, you love only your identity, you love your story, you love your particular form, you love what you have accomplished, and you love your object in the mirror.

In this way, the more you 'love yourself', the more you really get thrown into that corner. So you always feel thirsty and hungry for existence. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to achieve the most important thing. We can't get rid of the "You can't exist" curse that hangs in the back of our heads.

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Against this curse that denies existence, we must frankly restore existence. Anything other than existence could never defend the curse of existence.

It is our own voices that can ward off the curses of the creatures that haunt us most often.

"It will be there at will!"

That is the voice we need to hear from our children.

The person who exists at will is called 'I'.

So what we need to convey is how to live as this 'me'.

The identity of who I am, the story of who I am, the specific form of who I am, the achievements of who I am, and the object of who I am, I do not exist as I am, but as I am. This is how to be the most valuable person in the world.

That is, the most valuable way to exist at will.

What should I say?

I must say that my heart is the most precious.

That's the way I live.

To do that, we need to understand the mind in a whole new way. There is a need for an entirely new understanding of the minds of parents and children. Based on this factual understanding of the mind, we need a whole new understanding of what it means to raise a child.

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We need to rediscover what we really mean about ourselves and our children, while forgetting all about parenting based on attachment theory, discipline based on Confucian values, or education based on progressive political discourse.

Only then will the cry of existence be found together in the heart.

Through that cry, my son now has the strength to assert himself in any situation.

No one can ignore or bully our child's existence anymore.

The presence of our dignified son is an eloquence of how well he was raised in love.

What should I say?

You have to convey that love.

We must convey our love for existence.

That way, he too must be raised as a child who can love existence. You must raise a child with the wonderful power to love who you are and everything that exists.

The series begins to convey the fact that love breeds love, nurtures into love, and nurtures love.

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