in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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He is a propagandist for totalitarianism who criticizes totalitarianism that we should not go back to the days of totalitarianism, and insists on ethics to show the strength of each of our citizens to fight totalitarianism.

He now claims that he is not a bad totalitarian, but a good totalitarian.

Just like the story that there is good and bad, it is an illusion of poor quality, and it is the worst illusion.

Because, whether pushing with tanks or pushing with groups, it is violence with equal force. The perpetrator of this violence is the self who dreams of expanding identity. In other words, it is an autocratic self that wants to control and manipulate the world as it sees fit. Thanos and Iron Man are the same character that reflects this dictator. They are incarnations of totalitarianism who want to make everyone a copy of themselves.

This is the story of being mobilized to achieve this goal of self-development. Propaganda is realized as a story. In particular, he has the appearance of a heroic myth. holy story.

Therefore, those who have the intention to develop themselves always make the story sacred not only in its content but also in its form. They idolize stories as if they have the mysterious power to change people. it's a magical reason. It's like the delusion of a child who believes that language has mysterious powers, and if he gains the power to use it fluently, the world will change according to his words. They were just boring variations of the same type of magic as Secret.

In an existential understanding of language, language itself has no power. If a language seems to have power, it's because the person speaking it now lives that way. As a result of a passionate life, such language is only spoken with passion. In other words, 'how does one speak?' unimportant, but 'who said the word?' is important.

Nevertheless, verbally composed stories are highly effective tools for indoctrination, hypnosis, and agitation. This moment of devotion to this end can be said to be the only moment when language can exercise its own power.

What's the moment?

This is the time to deceive yourself and deceive others.

This is the time to build on the collective delusion.

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Nearly all of the ways in which we absoluteize language to produce stories is the goal of this scam. As a result, language, one of the greatest inventions created by man, loses its luminous status and becomes a tool of aesthetic rationalization which man uses to deny and escape his life.

Paradoxically, that is why language has its own power when it seeks to achieve its goal of self-deception.

For the sake of self-deception, humans abandon life and entrust it to language, and also turn away from life and believe in language like magic spells.

Therefore, it cannot but be experienced as if language has power. No, you have to be strong. This was because the world of language was the only thing that could be obtained as a desperate gift to alienate all that belonged to him.

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