Viminacium - Excavations that hid underground for almost 2000 years

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

It was a beautiful day today and it would be a shame not to use it in the best way. The school year has started, but I don't have that feeling, which is even better, because I decided to go to the viminacium, which is only 40 km from my city. I went on an excursion to this viminacium, I think it was the most useful excursion, but I went 5 years ago, a lot has changed and expanded, because there is a lot that is hidden underground without us even knowing.


The photos show only a small part of the city that has been excavated. The city spread over about 450 hectares of arable land today, this city is located underground, which is now very rich in wheat and is used by peasants, while beneath it lies a real old Roman empire that may be completely excavated in 150 years.



Today I will be your guide and guide you through the Mausoleum. This small part was covered with earth for almost 2000 years, and it was discovered by Mihajlo Valtrović in 1882, because of him today we have such a wonderful tourist place that is worth visiting and learning something new because the Romans were really great in construction and architecture, they had underfloor heating 2000 years ago which is amazing for that time.



The mausoleum is a kind of square-shaped tomb. In the center of this building there is another building that is built of green slate covered with mortar and in its center is a tomb. They burned the dead there and made wooden coffins, unfortunately, there are a lot of small coffins, which tells us that a lot of children died and were buried. The reason for the high mortality of children is not known, but I hope that our experts will find out what it is, because I don't know about yours, but I am very interested in what happened there.



This method of burial is called bustum, the deceased is covered with only a few centimeters of earth and closed with a stone slab, and then all that is decorated and enriched with lime mortar.



It is believed that the persons who were buried here were of great importance, that is why they were buried in this way, and this tomb was robbed because the deceased was buried with evil jewelry.



Here you can see what those tombs looked like and that babies were literally buried. The people were of shorter stature, the average was 160 cm, so the tombs themselves were smaller. We can also see how strong and healing nature is, it has preserved the skeletons of people who are 1000 years old, which you can also see in the photos.






I don't know about you, but I think I made the most of this day to learn and see something new, along the way, and share this wonderful experience with you. If you are passing, be sure to stop by this viminacium. It is located 14km from a small town called Pozarevac.


With love, Sarah❤️


It's good to learn about things that happened long ago, and how people lived then. Thanks for the tour, great job! :)

Thank you for your support and wonderful comment.

You're welcome, I'm always glad to show you how many civilizations have actually passed through the Balkans to date :D

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