A perfect spring day - Golubac Fortress

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Everything is colorful around me, the contrast of nature is amazing, the water, the beautiful forests, everything is just like from a fairy tale. I look at the sky, there are only a couple of small clouds that seem lost in the endless sky, the sun is trying to show them the way. This is what a perfect spring day looks like, which I used to visit such a beautiful fortress. I’ve written about her before, but I haven’t told you everything and I haven’t shown you all the photos.


There is that one lost building, built into the rocks, standing so lonely while the sun tries to warm it, but without success. It is lonely, it has some of its unique sad colors that are slowly dying out, it is a perfect day, so this building is also unique and perfect in its own way. It radiates its note and gives the landscape around the Golubac Fortress a perfect, harmonious image that you can observe for days and not be bored.


About the fortress

If by any chance you are in Serbia, be sure to visit the Golubac Fortress. With its architecture, it reveals an incredible experience. With its 9 towers built into the rocks, and the beautiful lawn in front of it, which was recently made, this is an art you would love to visit.

The fortress was built tactically, and at that time it was extremely difficult to approach it. It was built according to plan, it was worked on by executive architects, there is the highest tower, which is called the hat, it was the first to be built together with a couple of surrounding towers, and it is the oldest part of this fortress. Later, the lower part was added to defend the upper, older part. This lower part was built to be the first to be hit and is believed to have been built during the time of despot Stefan Lazar.


A beautiful road, made in the medieval style, leads to the fortress and along the way you can see the place where the Danube is widest, the place where the landscape of nature fights, whether the earth or the sky is stronger, the water observes them, but next to the water on land there is an interesting statue of Marko Kraljevic.

Who is Marko Kraljevic?

Marko Kraljevic or secularly - Marko Mrnjavcevic, is the central and most controversial character of Serbian, medieval, epic poetry. He was born in the 14th century (around 1335), as the son of King Vukašin Mrnjavčević and his mother Jelena, at the time of the greatest glory of the Serbian state, Dušan's empire. King Vukasin ruled, in fact, as a co-ruler of Emperor Stefan Uroš V, on the territory of parts of today's Macedonia and Kosovo and Metohija.

In 1370, Marko was crowned with the title of "young king", which meant the possibility of succeeding Uroš on the Serbian throne, if the emperor did not have male heirs. Historically, a turning point in the life of the "young king" unequivocally occurred after the battle of the Marica River, on September 26, 1371, after the Turks brutally defeated the Serbian army in a great battle, and King Vukasin and his brother, Despot Jovan Uglješa, lost their lives. Mrnjavcevic. After the Battle of Marička, Marko Mrnjavčević formally, instead of his father, became the co-ruler of Emperor Stefan Uroš V and was in that status until the Emperor's death (December 2, 1371), and after that the only legitimate ruler. The Serbian nobles did not look favorably on the "young king" taking over all power, nor did they want to recognize him as the supreme master. Left without a significant part of the army that perished in the fight with the Turks, he began to lose parts of the territory, Marko had no choice and became a Turkish vassal. He ruled over the territory where the largest city was Prilep, and he essentially shared power with his mother and middle brother Andrijaš.



The entrance to the fortress is very simple, and there is only one. It is very narrow, but at the same time it is beautiful, wooden, all the little things that seem insignificant make this fortress as it is. But I think that the bridge should be wider, but at the same time it would ruin the appearance of the fortress. The bridge should be wider, because when a lot of people come like it was on that wonderful day, there will be a crowd on the bridge and the entrance to the fortress becomes impossible.



The hat tower is located at the highest point and in order to get to it you have to pay a special ticket, but also sign to be responsible for yourself. The road is not great to her, it is even impossible to reach her, because you go over the rocks and climb as you know how, with your hands and feet, she looks scary and insecure, but also interesting and full of adventure, I didn't want to risk my life, my view from below was great.


Cannon tower

Tower 9, better known as the Cannon Tower, was later added to the fortification as part of the coastal belt of the Fortress and is also part of the Lower Outer Fortress. It was built during the Ottoman rule, at the time of intensive use of firearms, as evidenced by the plates with inscriptions in Old Ottoman and its characteristic polygonal shape. It represents one of the last phases (fourth, at the end of the 15th century) of construction on the Fortress.

It is characterized by cannon openings on two floors, and its basic function was to protect the port, which the travel writer Brokijer writes was equipped with about a hundred gangs.






I like that when I entered the fortress, it was not just ordinary stone towers, inside it was not just stone and empty space, but they made sure that visitors had a real experience of a medieval fortress.

They set up a carriage with a flag around which the children hung. The carriage is interesting and I would play if there were horses. I ask a lot, this is perfect, I wouldn't change anything.


There was also a stand where you could buy a souvenir, but also see medieval accessories and various interesting things. They took care of every detail, the saleswoman had beautiful medieval clothes.


You could also see all the medieval costumes as well as the armor. It seems interesting, but this armor was much heavier in the Middle Ages than what is on the stand. They say it was impossible to walk in it.



The costume you can see in the following photos was used in a Serbian medieval series.






I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.

𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓢𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓱❤️

 3 years ago 

Hola @sarakey, muy interesante y peculiar la época medieval, me gusta por su manera de vivir tan ruda aunque, en esa época habían muchas enfermedades sin cura, entonces, es mejor ver y saber cómo vivían. Me gusta tu post. Éxitos y saludos.

Hello @sarakey, medieval times are very interesting and peculiar, I like them because of their rude way of life, although at that time there were many illnesses without a cure, so it is better to see and know how they lived. I like your post. Successes and greetings.

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