in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Hello steemians

Hope you all are doing well. Today am here to participate in this contest, "your favourite childhood story" announced in this amazing community @writingnreviews. Thank you for the opportunity to share my story.

Stories are mind illustration of events and happenings of the past. It sticks to the mind better building memories whither good or bad
And here is my story.


This story was told to me by my mother.
I was about 8years old when my mother told the story.

Once upon a time, in a village.


There lived a man and his wife, they had two daughters. Their names were Asah and Ama.
Asah is the first child while Ama is the second.

The first daughter was very well behaved while the second never listened to anyone, always very troublesome.
She disrespected everyone including her parents. Her voice was always heard in the streets either fighting or quarreling.

Suddenly the village River began to dry up because drought came. Everyone was in panic, finally the river dried up. Asah's mum needed water to cook for her family but couldn't get some water. So she asked Ama her second daughter to go fetch water in the neighbouring village. Ama as usual, refused saying
" mama i cant go, am tired, send Asah to go"
Her mum left her and told Asah to go and Asah replied
"Yes mama i will go and fetch the water"

It was getting dark already, Asah hurriedly left for the neighbouring village to fetch water. On her way she met an old woman carrying fire wood so heavy. She greeted the old woman
"Good evening grandma, can i help you with your load? I see its too heavy for you to carry"
The old woman was happy and Asah helped her, took the load to the woman's house.


When Asah was about leaving, the old woman brought out two drums and asked her to chose one, Asah choose the smaller drum,


the old woman told her that as soon as she gets home, she should lock herself in the room, and beat the drum. Asah thanked the woman and hurriedly left for the river.

After fetching her water, she went home, locked her self in the room and beat the drum. She was surprised at what came out of the drum. Beautiful things such as gold, clothes, money, variety of food and jewellery.


She narrated her story to everyone.
Everyone was happy except her younger sister Ama.

The next morning Amah told her mother she was going to the neighbouring village to fetch water, but her mum said
"Ama we dont need the water, we have everything we want"
Ama replied "mama i must go"
So she left, on her way she met an old woman with heavy fire wood on her head. She didn't bother to greet the woman. The old woman said
"Pls little girl can you help me carry my load to my house? "
Ama replied "no i wont but i can only follow you to your house"
Ama followed the woman home, and asked her for the drum. The old woman brought out two drums and asked her to chose. Amah said to her self "my sister Asah chose the smaller drum and got all those beautiful things hmm i will choose the bigger one so mine will be bigger"
She picked the big one and headed home without waiting or the instruction.

She got home, locked herself in the room and beat the drum several times, strange things came out, insects like bees,


cane flogged her, animals like dogs bite her, she was wounded badly, everyone came to rescue her but because the door was locked, Ama died before help came.


  • Never be jealous of anyone success
  • Don't be a disrespectful person
  • Be contented with what you have
  • Greed is evil


A respectful person always finds favour before men! You will be at loss been disrespectful.

I hope you enjoyed my story.
Thank you for reading.

Special Regards to:

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