in Writing & Reviews2 years ago (edited)
Hello, friends of Steemit, I am glad to be here again to share with you all, I have been out for long ab has not been participating in contests for some reason but I am here again, Going to share with you about something that inspires me to have been watching the TV Series as I am not a fun of Tv.


Trust me, I am not someone who watches tv but this TV Series got me so addicted even when I was in school, I will spend all my time watching this TV Series even I was supposed to be learning.

Eat. Sleep. Breathe. (1).png

So what inspires me to watch this series, is this boy that a hospital's President believes in but he is just a resident and can do more better than a senior Doctor can do, Doctor Murphy, His dream has always been to be a Medical Surgeon, So the president of San Jose Teaching Hospital, Dr. Glassman risked his position just to let Dr. Murphy work at this hospital.

Doctor Murphy has autism which makes it difficult to lie even when he's supposed to lie to a patient, none of the Senior doctors as well his colleague residents believed in him, except Dr. Glassman, the president of the hospital but he has always proven everyone wrong.


What inspires me more is that Dr. Murphy never gives up despite the fact no one believes in him at the hospital and I think if we all believe in ourselves even no one does, we will still achieve our dreams no matter what without their consent, we've got to be strong, resilient and believe in ourselves to be able to achieve our dreams. It its the strength and belief that made Murphy have been proving everyone who never believed in him wrong and they even start to believe in him.


Believing in ourselves already gives as the strength not to give up and shows a way to success. Let us not look at what others do, but rather be inspired about something others do that will give as a reason to not give up on our dreams.


Hello friend, this is one of my favorite series.

Each person with the condition of autism faces many difficulties in adapting to social conventions that make their life very difficult, Doctor Murphy tries to learn about humor, love and other incomprehensible things for him.

Very true and I can tell it’s the best series I ever watch, I always learn something new watching it

There should be more series like that!
"Have a happy day"

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