The Thing that I Like the Most, In My Culture - Believe in Karma


Before writing to this contest, I took some time to realize what should be the content of this article. "Culture" includes our believes, values, norms, symbols and behaviours. It's a very broad topic. Usually we adapt to the culture of the society where we live. I live in Sri Lanka, most of us are buddhists and I belong to a Sinhala-Buddhist society.

Eventhough the Buddhism originated in India, pure Theravada Buddhism plays a major role in Sri Lankan culture, even than India. In buddhist culure the thing I most like is the belief of Karma. It helps to control the behaviour in good way. I am thinking to explain 3 things related to it, which everyone can apply in their lives.

Belive in Karma


This is my favourite thing in buddhist culture. Eventhough it's our belive, I see it is very realistic, that all our actions has a consequece. We have to expect a result for every thing we do. This belief causes to control our behaviour. Before taking an action, I'm re analysing whether it hurts some one or help some one. If we do a good deed, we'll recieve good as return. It can be happened just once we do the action, may be in another time in our life, sometimes in another life (we belive reborn) or sometimes they will never affect.

The basic of this is, we can't skip from the result of things that we do, both good things and bad things.

We Harvast, What We Planted

This is something I always recall from my mind. Some people are expecting more by doing nothing. It is common everywhere. One doesn't write good posts, but expecting high reward. One doesn't take actions to prevent from corona, and get infected by it. In Buddhist learnings, it mention that we can't harvest one thing by planting something else. If you work hard, you'll get benifits . If you do good deeds, nature will protect you from bad.

This thought help me to do good and meaningftul things always and also I am really getting good outcomes as result.

Think How Others Feel

This is simple. Before doing some thing to another one, we have to think, "if this happen to me, how I feel, how much I hurt". Before destroying a life, just wait and think how much it hurts if this happen to me. If a person practice to think like this, they'll never make pains on others.

This is a good practice we can apply even when talking.

Culture is the thing what causes to our thinking pattern. Many learning are there that we can apply in our regular life, as well as the spiritual life. It is very difficult to convert "Pali Language" meanings to English. I believe you can get some understanding.

@fendit, @belenguerra, this is my entry for CULTURAL CONTEST of @writingnreviews I'm not sure whether I focused the correct area. But I enjoyed writing this.


Yeah! The essence of Buddhism. 'Thama upama kota waradin midenna'

Always believe in Karma!!!!!!!!!!!!

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