breakthrough 2019 Review

in Writing & Reviews2 years ago (edited)

Hello good afternoon steemit all over the world, how are you all doing today is been a great time being here and I hope am welcome.
today I will reviewing a movie I watch and I just wish it catches your attentions as you read through.

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Directed by Roxann Dawso
Written by Grant Nieporte

Based on

The Impossible

Joyce Smith

Ginger Kolbaba

Produced by DeVon Franklin

Release dates

March 20, 2019 (St. Louis)

April 17, 2019 (United States)

Running time

116 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget$14 million
Box office$50.4 million

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Is one of the best Christen movie I have watch and it gives me the reason to first believe in love and also believe in God.
john was one of the best Becket ball player in he's collage and he was love by the present even Doe there weren't he's biological parent but John has everything he need, John was adopted when he was 9 mouths old into a family of Mr rams.


The spiritual part:

I so much like the level of spirituality that the mother have, she really make me to know that given up is never am opposition as a child of God that we should always believe in God no matter the change's around us.
that is why even when the doctor gave up on John she still believe something good is going to happen to John. that is why even the the john father gave up on hem the mother still believe God is still going to do something,and by the help of God intervention and Puting faith at work john came back to life.

but I have come to learn something for this movie and it is important I share with you all my friends and family in steemit platforms there is God and we all should always no matter were you are from show love no matter who is involve Maybe true you hope can be restored. what would have because of John if he's friends all over the world refused to pray for hem who know, I thinks this should make us understand that as a Christen or humans living in this planet earth we need one another.

thank you so much for reading trough may God bless you all, let love lead .

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