Something stupid - story inspired by the song @papi.mati

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

It was 1958, Michael parked his new Ford Lincoln in front of the typical middle-class house with the big garden. It wasn't his home - he lived on the other side of the city, but today after work couldn't make another decision than coming here instead.

House was inhabited by Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and their beautiful, bit over 20 years old daughter, Deborah - girl, which made Michael's heart beat faster. He used to see her in the cafeteria, where she spent every morning with the book in her hand and a big mug with the cappuccino. Michael didn't like the coffee in that place, but anyway, every day he was sitting few tables away, grabbing the newspaper, and pretending he is reading it, while in fact, he was admiring the beauty of Deborah.

Call him a coward, but he never asked her out, neither said more than just a few words, simple "good day" or conventional small talk about the weather. Sure, he tried many times, but fear was strong. It wouldn't help that he saw Deborah with many men in that cafeteria - clearly half of the town was in love with her. They used to give her flowers, chocolates, even teddy bears, sometimes interrupting in her morning reading routine just to tell her how beautiful she is. She was smiling kindly each time, a bit shy, like she didn't want to hear all of that. Like she wouldn't believe it's true, even though so many people around repeats it every day to her. Gosh, that was making her even more attractive in Michael's eyes!

Now, here he is - in front of her house, ready to ask her out. He knocked on the door, heard steps, and after few seconds saw surprised Deborah's face. First success, he was worried her parents will open.
-Hi, I'm Michael, from the cafeteria - started nervously
-Ah, yes, hello "Michael from cafeteria" - she replied, clearly amused by his timidity - what brings you here?
If Michael could, he would close his eyes to feel more confident, but that would make him look even more silly. He replied, speaking fast:
-Deborah, I would like to invite you to the dance today. Look, I know I stand in line until you will have the time to spend an evening with me, and if we go someplace to dance, I know that there's a chance you won't be leaving with me, but I cannot afford to not ask. I was thinking to do it for such a long time...
-Shush, shush - Deborah stopped his monologue, smiling - what time will you come for me?
-Five... - Michael was actually shocked that it worked - I mean... If it's fine for you of course...
-Five it is. See you soon, "Michael from cafeteria" - she replied, and then closed the door

They went to "The Hole in the Wall" - a fancy dance club, where many young people used to chill out. Michael managed to keep calm and even though some people might say he looked a bit stressed, surely it was a big improvement comparing to the state he was in during the previous conversation with Deborah.

They danced a lot: lindy hop, swing, jazz, boogie-woogie - there was no dance which they skip. They got a drink or two and then she suggested: "Listen, maybe we would go to some quiet place to talk? I can't feel my legs". Michael agreed immediately. It seems that everything goes very well, hopefully, it will stay that way.

They didn't go that far. At the end of the street was a nice, small, cozy restaurant. They ordered Martinis and a salad, just in case, to not look like they came here to drink only.
-so, tell me about yourself - Deborah started
-what would you like to know?
-I think, I might be interested in everything related to you - she replied. Michael thought "Oh, boy! That's good. And she is so beautiful, I think...
-I love you - that last words he accidentally said loudly.

Damn, he knew he will make some stupid. It's so quiet now, she probably doesn't know how to answer. I can see it in her eyes, she hears those words many times from others. It's just the line for her...

Well, now there is no step back. I need to continue, he thought:
-I know it's just a line to you. For me it's true, and never seemed so right before - he said
-I feel very comfortable with you - she replied - and don't you think I didn't notice you staring at me in the cafeteria each morning. Creepy! - she laughed and her laugh made him feel relieved
-I am sorry if I scared you with my words
-It's not the words that scare me. It is the thought that If I will reply with the same, I will make the decision for the rest of my life. Let's keep it slow. For the start, you could drink the morning coffee sitting at the same table, with me.
-That sounds very reasonable. I would love that.

A few months later, after hundreds of meetings, coffees together, dinners out, movies in the theatre, and dances in "The Hole in The Wall", a couple made another step. The time was right, her perfumes filled his head, the stars got red, and the night was so blue... They were sitting on the blanket in the park, looking at the stars, keeping their hands, and suddenly, she spoiled the silence by saying softly "I love you" for the very first time.

He looked at her with a surprised face and after few seconds replied: I love you
Deborah smiled, no! She laughed happy like never before - I love you - she said again - I love you!!! - he replied once again, not really believing in all that is happening right now. They were repeating it again and again, like some silly game. That could look like something stupid, but at that moment it was not important.

They have made the decision to go through life together.


 3 years ago 

My friend I love this song!! and I'm in love with Nicole since I was a little girl, lol

I'm in love in both of them - Robbie Williams was my first platonic love, Nicole Kidman is my favourite actress and I have to admit she is very beautiful woman 😁

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