List of my favorite movies, by @papi.mati

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

List of my favorite movies

Let me present ten of my favorite movies with extra bonus for the most ridiculous cinematographic piece I've ever seen. I am in love with less conventional masterpieces, looking for non-traditional cinematography, sometimes surrealism or well-made anime, so my list will not include too many well-known Hollywood productions. I strongly encourage you to check those movies if you will have the opportunity though. It's definitely worth it!

Some of the trailers (Funny Games, Tetsuo) contain disturbing scenes, mostly with violence, so even though they are available on youtube without any restrictions, I don't recommend it to kids

Number 10 - The Bubble

It's an Israeli movie that shows how does the life of young people look in a restrictive society. When the main character, an Israeli man, falls in love with a Palestinian guy, inequalities, unnecessary war, prejudices become more visible. That movie is like a modern gay version of Romeo and Juliet, who are trying to connect two different cultures and create a family in a world full of oppression and violence. I appreciate it for one more reason - it shows that in any conflict, including Israeli-Palestinian, there are no winners. Everyone loses.

Number 9 - Santa Sangre

That surrealistic movie, made by Alejandro Jodorovsky is like a living Jean Michelle Basquiat art. It's definitely not the easiest movie to watch - you need to find the proper symbolism, interpret it correctly, perfectly if you know the previous movies of the director to support yourself with his philosophy presented in them. Expect the thrilling, deep masterpiece about religious fanatism and cruelty of humankind.

Number 8 - Nekojiru-so

It's a short animation, made by Tatsuo Sato and based on a popular manga. Cat Nyatto goes to find the Death who stole the soul of his younger sister. The animation lasts only for 30 minutes and is available on youtube.

Number 7 - Spirited Away

I'm pretty sure that many of you already know Ghibli studio which is making amazing animations, rewarded on many festivals and contests, including the most popular - Oscars. That animation amazes with the art, music, and story. I'm sure everyone will find it attractive, adults and kids. It says the story of the little girl who is trying to save her parents and looks for help in the SPA for Gods.

Number 6 - Funny Games

The scariest movie ever. It doesn't show the monsters but proves that the real daemons live in us and every person, even the kind friend of the neighbors who comes to ask for the eggs, maybe the deadly danger. Perfectly made, with long pauses which allows us to feel what the main characters feel, with some comments directly to the viewers which makes us wonder why do we watch it and what do we really enjoy in it.

Number 5 - Hair

The well-known musical which is a tribute to all hippie subculture, pacifism and "peace, and love" philosophy. Besides that, I admire it for its well-made songs and sensitivity. My favorite song from the musical is "I've got nothing" - if you won't have enough time to check the movie, at least listen to that song.

Number 4 - The Holy Mountain

The second movie by the amazing Mexican director, Alejandro Jodorovsky, is even more, surrealistic than the previous. Amazes with the symmetry and colors in every shot, with the artistic masterpiece, and, obviously, with the story. Nine most powerful people with the alchemic leader (Jodorovsky in person) look for the secret of immortality. The movie is a great comment for the modern reality and critique of our greed.

Number 3 - Persepolis

French animation about Iranian girl and her life story - from being raised in the country which struggles with dynamic changes and converts into a fanatic religious republic, to moving to Europe and experiencing double exclusion - as Muslim and immigrant in the eyes of French and as Europeanized and not enough Muslim, by Iranians.

Number 2 - Les amours imaginaires

That Canadian movie was the debut of Xavier Dolan director and gained plenty of awards. Xavier even plays one of the main characters there. It tells the story of two friends who fall in love with the same person. Their fight for his attention examines their friendship in the most challenging way. The movie might be considered as an art piece about toxic polyamory and be an example of "how not to do it".

Number 1 - Into the wild

I was reviewing this movie in the Writing and Reviews community some time ago. It tells the story of the young man who leaves the comfort of his upper-middle-class life provided by his parents and starts to travel with no money. It shows perfectly the beauty of living out of the system, but also all the danger which it brings to our life. The movie is based on a real story and inspired me to leave my life in Poland and start traveling thru Europe and South America.

Creepy bonus

Did you ever watch a movie that is so bad that actually you love it? I did many times: "Evil Brain", "Astro Zombie", "the Killer Shrews"... but above all I enjoy "Tetsuo - the Iron man" directed by Shin'ya Tsukamoto. It's a techno gore horror about people changing into machines, killing everyone around, and destroying the world. Very disturbing, weird, challenging, but DEFINITELY worth to see :)

Thank you for reading,



They seems to be nice. 💕
I only watch "Into the wild" among these ten movies. 😂
I will try to watch all these soon. 😊

Thanks for your comment! Did you like "Into the wild"?

Yeah I did. It was good enough 😊.

 3 years ago 

What an interesting top 10, @papi-mati! There are some movies that caught my eye, specially The Bubble. Hughs and the best of luck in the contest!

Thank you! Yes, "the bubble" is really nice. Its not the newest movie, but it shows the problems which were never solved so it's still on point.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for joining the weekly contest from Writing & Reviews, and for creating such a great post!

Have a beautiful day!

Hola amigo!, en verdad una selección de producciones nuevas para mi. Me gustarìa conocer más a Jodorowsky, en verdad son surrealistas esos cortos. Cabello me parece muy interesante, tratarè de verla. Saludos!

 3 years ago 

Tienes un gusto vistoso e interesante, me ha maravillado la forma en la que te alejas de lo convencional y formas una lista completamente única. ¡Saludos!

Gracias! 🤗

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