How to become environmental friendly - 80 tips from @papi.mati

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)


As it is commonly known, taking care of our planet is not only our duty but also the only ethical behavior. The earth is not our property, which we can exploit and then abandon. This is our home, currently the only place in the universe where we can live. By destroying it, we destroy our future, we take away our health, safety, and comfort of long life, we expose our children and grandchildren to wars for drinking water and food, we murder fauna and flora, the adaptation process of which is much slower than changes caused by global warming.

Although I believe that we can do little without changing the law, without drastic measures on a national and general scale, without making governments and corporations responsible for the green future, we should still do everything in our power to care for this planet and leave an as little carbon footprint as possible.

There are plenty of ways to be greener. Some of them are simple and require only a little self-control, others are expensive and not available to everyone. In pursuit of being zero waste and living ecologically, however, it's not about being perfect, not producing any pollution or any garbage - it's about doing as much as possible, making changes step by step. A million people who will give up driving cars and flying will be better for the world than five people who will live completely emission-free. It's a continuous process of getting closer to perfection.

I have been trying to live ecologically for many years, so I have already managed to introduce a lot of changes. However, I know that much more can be done and today I will write about my plans for the future, in the hope that I will give you some ideas on how to live more ecologically.

Half a day I was writing this post, supplementing the list with new ideas on how to live more ecologically and trying to make it as complete as possible. It currently contains 80 tips, but I would be very happy if you would complete it by writing your recommendations in the comments. I also encourage you to write how many of these things you already do.


Saving water is one of the most important pro-ecological behaviors. Groundwater is consumed at a much faster pace than it can be renewed, and global climate change has led to the fact that regular rainfall is increasingly being replaced by more intense downpours - water does not have time to be absorbed by the ground, it is at risk of flooding, polluting it and discharging it more quickly into the seas and oceans, where it becomes saline.

Saving water is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to reduce your water needs. While water is used as the powerhouse of power plants around the world, reducing water consumption significantly lowers the annual electricity consumption. Lower water consumption results in lower pressure in the sewage and drainage system, which in turn lowers maintenance costs. Saving water helps to extend the life of lakes and rivers, which guarantee healthy ecosystems around the world. Besides… the water bill is lower!

  1. turn off the water while brushing your teeth
  2. give up bathing, take short showers
  3. Use gray water to flush the toilet
  4. Use tap covers that reduce water consumption (aerator) and single-lever tap faucets
  5. wash the dishes to use as little water as possible - use the dishwasher on an eco-friendly program
  6. use a washing machine of A + class or higher and only on the eco-friendly water program
  7. collect rainwater in the garden
  8. drink only tap water or water in returnable bottles

Of the above water-saving methods, I currently use two: I turn off the water when brushing my teeth, and I only drink non-bottled water. In the coming month, I also want to limit the time I spend in the shower to three minutes per shower.


More and more is said that livestock production is harmful to the environment. A diet high in animal fats produces the same amount of greenhouse gases in one year as driving 4,758 kilometers in a medium-sized car. Changing to a meatless diet can cut carbon emissions into the atmosphere by up to half.

FAO published in 2006 "Livestock's Long Shadow" report. It shows that industrial livestock farming is a source of 18% global greenhouse gas emissions (measured in CO2 equivalent). This gives a result greater than the share in emissions of all land, sea, and air transport, estimated at 14%. Most of these 18 percent are nitrogen monoxide emissions (from animal manure and mineral fertilizers used in forage crops) and methane emissions from digestive processes in animals and fertilizer. Animal husbandry is responsible for 64% of the global emissions of nitrous oxide and 37% world's production of methane.

Forage crops account for a third of all arable land in the world. Over 90% of the world's soybean crops and 60% of maize and barley are used as animal feed. If these crops were to be used directly for human food, the problem of hunger in the world would be solved - we read in the Compassion in World Farming report from 2009 entitled "A Global Warming: Climate Change and Farm Animal Welfare". Another problem is deforestation. New crops intended for feeding animals require cutting down more forests. In South America, as much as 70% of deforested land has been turned into pasture, and the rest are used for fodder crops.

  1. don't eat red meat
  2. don't eat or eat few dairy products
  3. perfectly become vegetarian or vegan
  4. buy products seasonally
  5. buy from local farmers
  6. avoid food products imported from far away
  7. make your preserves, including:
    a) making your bread
    b) making your jams
    c) making purees, canned food and marinades
    d) making ketchup, mayonnaise, vinegar, and other semi-finished products
    e) making pasta
    f) making sandwich pastes
    g) making cheeses
    h) extracting oil
    i) making homemade vegetable milk
  8. grind old bread into breadcrumbs
  9. donate extra food so that nothing is wasted
  10. avoid buying products packed in plastic
  11. buy only products by weight, in your containers
  12. use loose tea instead of tea bags
  13. don't use disposable bags
  14. avoid fast food and other junk-producing restaurants, cook at home
  15. pay attention to the certificates of purchased products
    24.Dumpsterdive or buy "ugly vegetables"

From the above points, I use a few and I am slowly implementing a few others. I do not eat red meat, I prepare selected preserves at home (bread, purees, and tomato concentrates, some fruit and vegetables in jars, vinegar, ketchup), I grind old bread for breadcrumbs, I share food with others so that I never throw anything away, I try to buy products in glass instead of plastic (when it is possible, I have not eliminated plastic yet though), I buy products by weight (but in paper bags, not in my jars), I use loose tea, sometimes (although not always) I refuse plastic bags.

In the coming month, I would like to increase the number of preserves made at home and not use a single plastic bag. I would also like to start making pasta and yogurt at home.


Saving electricity has both an economic and an ecological dimension. Less energy consumption means less environmental pollution, fewer exhaust fumes, and fewer greenhouse gases. As a result, less destruction of the ozone layer and less global warming.

  1. Install solar panels or obtain electricity from other renewable energy sources
  2. save electricity, turn off lights and other electronic devices behind you
  3. Do not use the laundry dryer
  4. Only have products of the energy class A + or higher
  5. use the stairs instead of the elevator
  6. Sweep instead of vacuuming, and if you have carpets, use vacuum cleaners without trash bags
  7. Replace all bulbs with energy-saving LED bulbs
  8. If it is not necessary, do not iron the clothes. Never iron bed linen or towels
  9. keep the optimum temperature of 20-21 degrees in the house. Do not heat or ventilate the apartment at the same time
  10. use e-bills
  11. Read books and newspapers only in electronic version or use libraries
  12. use shutdown programming plugins
  13. use rechargeable batteries instead of regular batteries
  14. shop online
  15. wash on the eco-program. If possible, wash in cold water.

From the above points, I use a few: I save electricity when possible, I do not use a laundry dryer, I use a vacuum cleaner without garbage bags, I usually do not iron clothes.

Changes in this category are not that easy to implement as they require a larger investment, so I suppose I won't be able to make any of them in the coming month.


Changes in the household can be limited in a few words: upcycle, repair what breaks down, when you have to buy something, buy used things, and if it is not possible to buy used things, invest in good quality equipment that will work for a long time. Try to choose organic, plastic-free products, and when you throw something away, remember to recycle it properly.

  1. segregate rubbish
  2. return expired medicines, old electronic devices, batteries, light bulbs, and used oil to special stores
  3. avoid plastic in every form
  4. buy second-hand appliances, furniture, and clothes
  5. buy clothes made locally, from ecological products
  6. use a washing ball instead of washing powder
  7. ​​use bamboo toothbrushes
  8. use gray recycled toilet paper
  9. make your cleaning products
  10. make your cosmetics or buy natural cosmetics produced locally
  11. use cream deodorants instead of aerosols
  12. Use a razor with a traditional replaceable blade
  13. use kitchen cloths instead of paper towels
  14. Use hemp cloths or sea borage sponges to wash your dishes
  15. old clothes turn into cloths
  16. buy sugarcane paper
  17. sew your clothes yourself
  18. use upcycle
  19. buy only essentials. When you buy, invest in good quality items in the hope that they will last for years.
  20. Insulate the house

I use quite a lot of solutions in this category. I donate batteries, electronic devices, and used oil to special points, I use a bamboo brush, gray toilet paper, a traditional razor with razor blades, I use cream deodorants, I change old clothes into cloths, I buy sugar cane paper, I sell or give away old stuff and I limit my purchases.

In the coming month, I would like to start the production of my ecological cleaning products and start segregating rubbish.


Vehicle exhaust fumes are much more harmful to humans than industrial pollution, as that kind of pollution spreads in high concentrations at low altitudes near people.
According to Dr. Tadeusz Kopta from the Cracow University of Technology, in OECD countries cars are the largest source of environmental contamination, burdening it with over 15,000 chemical compounds

Pollution is even greater in countries where the law does not prohibit the sale of old, less environmentally friendly vehicles and in trafficked cities (a car in a traffic jam emits more gas than a car driving on a highway at a constant speed).

60.Do not own a car, and if you absolutely must have one, take hitchhikers with you and use carpooling

  1. travel short distances on foot or by bike
  2. use public transport for long distances: trains or buses
  3. Don't fly planes

I do not have a car, but I know that in the future I will have to buy one because I would like to move to the countryside where I will be able to produce most of the food in my garden. Then I will try to get an electronic or low-emission car. I mainly use a bicycle or walk around the city, travel longer distances by bus or in special situations by taxi. Unfortunately, I fly by plane from time to time to visit my family and friends in Europe.


Maintaining hotels that most of the time have more than half of their rooms empty is more harmful to the environment than sleeping in a tent or using a guest room in B'n'B. Tourists also pollute the environment by flying, buying souvenirs that they later forget or throw away after a few years, frequently using restaurants and cafes.

  1. avoid hotels, better stay in a tent or a room rented on Airbnb
  2. travel responsibly, don't leave garbage behind
  3. Instead of souvenirs, keep memories and photos
  4. refuse to accept drinking straws
  5. in a cafe, ask for a coffee in your cup

In this category, I follow all the recommendations and have managed to implement all of the above points. When I travel, I mostly do it by bike, hitchhike, or bus, I usually spend the night in my tent or on an Airbnb and try to cook my food. I also never buy impractical souvenirs.


Having our vegetable garden has a very practical dimension: not only do we get healthy food and we can avoid artificial fertilizers that degrade the land, but we can also increase the biodiversity of the region instead of supporting powerful mono-crops that are very harmful to nature. In addition, we should remember the contamination associated with the transport and packaging of store products, which can also be avoided in this case.

  1. Have your orchard or vegetable garden. If you live in an apartment, plant at least lettuce, radish, and some other less demanding plants on the balcony.
  2. Plant trees
  3. instead of mowed lawns, have a flower meadow, which is an excellent ecosystem for many animals, and most importantly, it provides food for the bees
  4. have a composter

I have not managed to implement any of these points yet because I live in a rented apartment in a large city. However, a house with a garden is my dream and I will certainly have it someday. Unfortunately, it will not be in the next month, but in a few years.


  1. Prepare hand-made gifts as gifts or present experiences instead of things
  2. Do not use gift wrapping paper and if you need to wrap a gift, use gray paper

I never use wrapping paper, only if I get the gift nicely wrapped and try to recycle the paper using it again. In most cases, I buy practical gifts that another person would have to buy anyway, or I try to prepare hand-made gifts.


Real change requires solutions that we are unable to implement as individuals unless someone reading me is the prime minister or the leader of a large political party in their country. However, what we can do is engage in activism and change the reality around us and let the politicians on whom we vote know that environmental issues are important to us. This is the only way to mobilize them to be included in green solutions programs.

  1. take part in cleaning up the world. Organize the cleaning of nearby parks, forests, or beaches yourself
  2. lobby politicians for change. Write letters, inquiries, e-mails - show that you are interested in real changes
  3. Talk to your friends about what you can do together, raise awareness about climate change and the pressing need for a greener life
  4. Share with others: give away unnecessary things to those who need them
  5. return old blankets and bedding to animal shelters
    Be an activist, organize food sharing, community gardens, or other things that will help your neighbors transform into a more eco-friendly one.

Currently, I give unnecessary things to people who need them and educate others on environmental issues (this post is also such a form of education). I was thinking of arranging a shelf of food sharing in the area, but I probably won't manage to do it next month as it requires several permits. However, I will start the process of obtaining consent.

Thank you for reading,



excelente post


 3 years ago 

Good post! only by being more aware can we preserve life on our planet and, therefore, that of future generations. Kind regards.

#affable #venezuela

Very true. What things from the list you are already doing and what are you going to change in the nearest future?

#affable #argentina #onepercent

 3 years ago 

Great post... We need such awareness 👍👍

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it!

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing in Writing and Reviews! We appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.

We’d love to hear more from you!!


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