Contest : my favorite movie saga | Harry Potter | by @olber

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

Just think: the story of the "boy who survived" will celebrate its 21st birthday this year! But despite the fact that the saga ended long ago, both fans and the author of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling, do not stop telling interesting details from the Universe. Did you know, for example, that in reality the name Voldemort should not be pronounced the way we are used to?

Bright Side found some interesting facts from the world of Harry Potter and invites you to find out about them right now.


When a future wizard or sorceress turns 11, they receive a coveted invitation letter to study at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This fact is known to every Potter fan. Many may think that the guys receive their letters exactly on their own birthday: this happened with Harry Potter, who was born on July 31 and received the coveted letter from Hagrid's hands on his own holiday.

What if your birthday falls at the very end of August or early September? It turns out that you are already a magician, but you still cannot study? Letters of admission are sent out at the end of July to all future students, and the birthday has nothing to do with it: it's just that Harry Potter's dates coincided. By the way, the very first letter came to him on July 25: if you remember, the Dursleys for some time tried to hide it from him. We can assume that around this time the global mailing takes place, and the letter will definitely find its owner.


Remember the Ravenclaw faculty colors? Yes, the same one where Harry's first love, Zhou Chang, studied. It is blue and silver, but only those who have not read the book will answer this: J.K. Rowling assigned this faculty blue and bronze colors. Apparently, the filmmakers found gold (the color is present in the symbolism of the Gryffindor faculty) and bronze too similar, so they decided to replace it with silver.

Another curious moment about Ravenclaw: in the original, the faculty is called Ravenclaw, which translates as "raven's claw", from where, by the way, the Russian-language name comes from. But the symbol of the faculty is not a raven at all, but an eagle: in books it can be found both on the envelope of a letter from Hogwarts, and in the scene when the characters enter the Ravenclaw living room. What a little misstep from old Ro!


In the films, Harry and I find ourselves in the memories of Potions Master Severus Snape. We are shown his warm friendships with Harry's mother, Lily Evans, while the filmmakers emphasize that young Snape was damn lonely and was not friends with anyone else.

This is not entirely true. Snape was really teased and even offended, but he still had a social circle: it was Lucius Malfoy, Avery and Malsiber, some other classmates . Another question is that later their views diverged: the Slytherins became Death Eaters, and Snape turned into a double agent. Although, in truth, the friends of these people still turned out to be so-so.

Remember in the movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince there was a scene where the Death Eaters swooped down on the bridge and destroyed it? And although these wizards are really very powerful, they still do not know how to fly. The scene, however, turned out to be very effective.

By the way, in the wizarding world there are still wizards who can fly: these are Voldemort and Severus Snape .


Harry Potter became one of the most talented players in Quidditch, and this talent was clearly passed on to him from his father. James Potter also once played Quidditch, and as this first film shows us, both father and son played in the same position: as a catcher. Remember Hermione brought Harry to the Hall of Awards? There is engraved James's name and his position in the national team: he is a catcher. In addition, if you remember Snape's memories, both in the book and in the film, in one of the scenes, James dabbled with the snitch. It would seem that there should be no doubts.

However, as Rowling confirmed in one of her interviews, in reality, James Potter played Quidditch as a hunter. It turns out that the creators of the first film fantasized a little with the catcher James and misled millions of fans!

Rowling copied some features of her characters from herself or from her acquaintances and friends. The writer admitted that she put Harry in a closet under the stairs to show how helpless he was in the Dursley family, literally locked away from everything else. Joan said that one of her biggest fears is to be powerless, to be trapped.

Later, precisely because of this fear, the writer created her own charitable organization, which helps orphans and functions in more than 30 countries around the world.


In the book and film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" we learn that in addition to Hogwarts, there are at least two schools of magic: the French Academy of Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang Institute, located somewhere in northern Europe.

Of course, everyone remembers well how Harry loosened with the Sorting Hat at the distribution ceremony. She persistently advised him to go to Slytherin, but Harry refused and whispered: "Not to Slytherin, not to Slytherin!" And the Hat sent him to Gryffindor, which is quite expected, because Harry's parents studied at the same faculty, and his friends were just enrolled there.

At the same time, we do not know which house Harry really wanted. He didn’t choose Gryffindor, and perhaps he didn’t care where he studied, as long as it wasn’t Slytherin.

By the way, Hermione could also be in another faculty : once she admitted that the Hat offered her to study at Ravenclaw, but changed her mind and sent her to Gryffindor.

And one more thing. The Sorting Hat makes mistakes very rarely, but if it does happen, then it will never admit its mistake. So it was with Harry when she said that he would be better on Slytherin. And Snape turned out to be an altruist, which is not at all typical for a Slytherin, and Wormtail is a desperate coward, which does not suit a Gryffindor at all.

All UK children who have magical abilities start studying at Hogwarts at the age of 11. But who teaches them to read and write before this time, and are they learning anything at all?

In one of her interviews, Rowling answered this question. Usually children in families of wizards are schooled at home. So, for example, it was in the Weasley family: their mother taught them. At the same time, they can go to elementary school, like the children of Muggles, and this includes how Harry Potter studied. But this is not so safe, because the magical abilities of young wizards can manifest themselves at any time, especially when they are experiencing vivid emotions.

By the way, some fans of the saga tried to calculate the cost of studying at Hogwarts, but the writer quickly stopped these disputes: as Joan assures , school is free, all education costs are covered by the Ministry of Magic .


J.K. Rowling in general often reveals interesting details of his works. So, it turned out that from the very beginning she planned to leave Ron with Hermione, but later the writer lost confidence that the two could get along . Rowling said the couple would probably need family counseling to resolve all their conflicts.

In addition, the writer suggested that perhaps Harry and Hermione would have had a more harmonious relationship than Ron and Hermione. Who will understand now?

There are many details in the Harry Potter saga that many do not know: here are just a few of them. Harry's parents, James and Lily, got married almost immediately after graduation. Then they joined the Order of the Phoenix, Harry appeared, and then the Potters tragically died at the hands of the Dark Lord. James had some savings ( Rowling confirmed ) left by his family, which allowed James and Lily to live on this money. Sirius also did not have time to start his career: after the death of his friends, he ended up in Azkaban, and then went into hiding for several years.

Thanks for stopping by.


Hello! Thank you very much for participating :D. The Harry Potter saga was the childhood of many of us, the magic and adventures of Harry and his friends was a delight for us and the fact that many grew up with this saga as well as its characters.


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