Songs of Freedom // Poem

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


songs of freedom

On creation day the Maker
Created man to be the master
Of his environment and to direct
The affairs of things that matter
Even when there's need to alter.

Before civilisation early men-
The wanderers were self-masters
Not accountable nor subject
To any leader or ruler.
They were totally free as created
By the Maker
No matter postulations of scholars
About the ages of the early men
When man had no room
For masters or for servants.

With the growing quest for
Autonomous villages and communities
Added to new councils and states
Created oft to foster development
New republic is only a steady march
Of civilization.

Man's quest for freedom
An endless and limitless journey
As he battles for better conditions
Through the flight of time.
It's only dwarfish thoughts grumbling
Not even better soliloquizing
That a people of identical destiny
Are championing their freedom.

On creation day the Maker
Created man to be the master
Of his environment.

Hear them sing a song
We must be united no matter what
But never to be equal in status
Neither to be equal rights
Nor have the same roads.
Gullies and gutters as roads
Befit some sections
As mat-tarred expressways
As befiting to others
Yet one we claim to be.

If Africa early patriots
Who agitated for African freedom
From Europeans were
Neither hunted nor executed
Why should there be cry for the head
Of someone who desires to agitate
For the freedom of his people
In this day and age?

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